7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 6

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To the right is a picture of Alex Hayes ----->

And when I hear this song, I automatically think of Nate xD

Anyway, hope you like it!



How the hell could it be me again? Was it mere luck for him? Or was it some trick he pulled—a strategy he had up his sleeve so that the bottle would land on me? Surely it had to be pure luck for Nate. There’s no way you could have a strategy so that the bottle would land on someone you want, right? It’s mainly guesswork, right?

“Dang, picked for a second time in a row,” one of the seniors called out following a wolf whistle.

My feet dragged across the carpet, my hands getting all clammy, and my heart racing with such uneasiness. That smug smirk of his was plastered to his face like always as he took my hand in his, leading me into the closet. I was too shocked to even push his hand away until only the strip of light underneath the closed door remains.

Nate turned to me, and despite the darkness, I could see and feel his neon blue eyes boring right into me, mesmerizing me entirely. What was it about blue eyes that simply captivated me? Specifically, what was it about Nate’s eyes that simply captivated me? Even with his face nearing mine, I was only focused on his eyes. But just as his lips made the slightest graze on mine, I take a step back away from him, not letting that tiny touch of his lips affect me in the least.

“How is it me again?” I asked.

He smirked. “There’s a simple trick to it,” he answered in a hushed tone.

My brows furrowed. “Are you only doing this so you could get me to give in to you?”

“Yeah…” he replied slowly, “so?” That sick bastard.

“Why though?”

“You’re the only person who’s ever rejected me,” he said simply. “I wanted to see how far I can go until you cave in.”

My face contorted in disgust. “You sicken me.” He smirked again. “Why don’t you just screw around with some other girl?”

“I already did…two hours ago.” I wanted to vomit so badly. “It’s not like I have an STD or anything. I’m not stupid.”

“Since when did you even get to this party?” I asked.

He gave a twist of his lips before answering, “Um…three hours ago?” When he caught on to the fact that I was stalling, he frowned. “You seriously think you can get away with me not at least kissing you?”

I rolled my eyes. “Just give up on me. You know that I’m too smart for you—I’m hard to get.”

“Are you?” he asked. Nate’s hand rested on my bare shoulders, brushing his fingers on the bare skin. His caress sent shivers down my spine, and I suppressed a moan. As he continued to run his hands on my bare shoulders, his jaw clenched, and I swear I could hear a low growl coming from him. It was so…sexy.

Stupid, I wasn’t doing anything. I was so fixated with his unwavering, stern gaze that bored into mine and his gentle caress that made me long for more. When he noticed I wasn’t resisting, Nate’s smirk widened. “You like this?”

Freak yes I did, but I shook my head, denying it. If I admit it, that’d mean victory for him, and there’s no way I’m going to give in. Still, I was relishing the very sensation of the warmth of his hands running down my neck and to my shoulders. When I felt my breathing shorten, I did all I could to steady it.

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