7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 10

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Congested—that’s how it felt the moment I got inside Jackson’s house. Really, I could’ve dropped him off and drive off immediately since I didn’t want to be here, but with him knowing what I’d be up to, he let me get out the car first. Seriously, it’s like he’s not taking consideration over the fact that Nate will be here. So what if you bring about fifty guards to keep him away? That doesn’t matter to him. Why couldn’t Jackson just let me leave?

“Want some?” he offered, holding a plastic cup of beer to me. I shook my head fervently. “Oh come on, live for once!” he insisted. I shook my head again. How many times was I going to hear that phrase?

I was a wallflower, and quite frankly, I was happy with that. That is, until I was confronted by Jimmy Taylor. He had his forearm rest on the wall and leaned right over me. His breath reeked of beer, and I couldn’t help but wince when he greeted in a breathy way, “Hey, Jemma.” I looked up to meet his green eyes, covered by the bangs of his shaggy, light brown hair.

My eyes lowered to his gray t-shirt where I could already see blotches off beer right by the collar. As for his baggy pants, I didn’t let my eyes linger on them for I could already see the plaid red pattern of his boxers. When he leaned closer, begging for me to greet back, I finally said, but with an edge in my voice, “Hey, Jimmy.”

“What you doing here by yourself? I’ve never seen you go to parties…except that last time with your brother… That’s so…un-Jemma of you…” A sly smile came across his lips.

I rolled my eyes at his ridiculousness. “For your information,” I began with an antagonistic tone, “I’m not here by myself; Jackson dragged me here against my will.” I didn’t want to further my involvement with Jimmy. He’s known to cause trouble—and I mean trouble that’s probably on par with Nate. He brought both his hands to the wall at both my sides, preventing me from leaving.

“Is that so?” I shot him an annoyed look, but he still didn’t budge from his position. He brought his body closer to mine, and I pushed him away roughly. Lifting my chin with his hand, he offered, “You know, since your brother isn’t here, I was wondering if we could have a little fun?”

I scoffed, “In your dreams.” He narrowed his eyes at me, trying to intimidate me which didn’t work in the slightest. I brushed past him, walking over to wherever Jackson was until I bump into what felt like a sturdy wall. I rubbed the side of my head as I heard a voice quickly apologize:

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there.”

I recognized that voice. I turned my head to meet those familiar, soft blue eyes that I instantly fell for last year at my brother’s party. Matt Reynolds. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him. After all, when do I ever bother spending my time at any of my friends’ house?

Realizing who it was, he greeted, “Oh, hey, Jem.” I flashed a smile, and he asked curiously, “What’re you doing here? It’s rare seeing you at parties outside of Em’s.” I heaved a sigh, looking around to find a similar face and pointed to the figure. Matt followed my finger and gave a low chuckle. “Of course my brother dragged you here,” he mumbled jokily. He turned back around and suggested, “You know, if you don’t want to be here, you can just leave. You’ve been here long enough, right?”

My eyes rose to the ceiling, thinking about his words. He was right, what’s the point in staying? I’ve already been here for, oh I don’t know, half an hour. Besides, Mom would probably start to wonder what’s keeping me. “Yeah, okay,” was my reply, and he nodded before I turned on my heel to head for the front door.

Right then and there I felt someone tug at my wrist. Oh, not again. I whipped around to find Violet Gregorio dragging me to some room. “What the hell?!” exclaimed I out of utter bewilderment.

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