when friends are better than you

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When I say that I mean in dating. For example my friend who once told me (and another friend of mine who is in the same boat as me) that she couldn t decide between two guys that liked her. And I was just like we get it people like you and internally dying and wishing I was in that position. Also I had another friend who had liked a guy who couldn't date so she dated someone else she didn't really like. She dated him for 4 days broke up with him OVER TEXT and now literally 2 days after they broke up she is dating someone else!!!!!! Like bruh I can't even get one guy to like me! Also I feel I'm doomed because I liked this dude and he was way out of my league so (after 2 years of not being able to stop liking him) I started liking this guy that is in my league and I'm pretty sure he likes someone else!!!! but who knows so. And at lunch I feel so out of place I sit surrounded by 3 FREAKING COUPLES!!!!!!!!! And remember the friend I mentioned earlier that was in the same boat as me? Well he's not really I have never had a boyfriend he has had 3 girlfriends! I know I sound really petty like "Oh boys don't like me!" When there's starving people in Africa and lack of gender equality in other countries/continents and when there's global warming and pollution and extinction. But as it says in the description i am literally just complaining and ranting in this book.

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