You Posted What?!: Pt.2

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I blink a few times and see that I'm back in my home realm, Aerofexus, and start towards the castle that lies in the close distance in front of me but something stopped me from moving farther. "What- No..." I let out in anguish, breaking into a sprint but end up back at the gate of the realm again. 

"Mom!" I yell out in hopes that my parents would hear me, "Dad! I'm home! I'm here!" I try again and super speed towards the castle but end up right back at the entrance of the land. "I'm right here..."

That's when a familiar female voice spoke up in front of me just as I had glanced down at the dirt beneath my feet, her starting, "You can't fully be here because  you're not all here, Des." 

I look at my mother and step closer to her, my eyes watery as I begin, "But- But how do I get back here? I wanna come back home."

Elizabeth grinned a little bit more while moving her hand down my arm in reassurance, saying, "We will meet again. We will all be together as a family again. Have faith, Des."

I bury myself in her hug as she tightened the embrace, one hand on the back of my neck, Elizabeth murmuring, "Be careful, baby." She kissed the top of my head just as everything and her faded away and went black...

"Aaah! Somebody help." I weakly call out after becoming conscious again while still being buried underneath the large pillar and lockers, blinking away the grogginess I felt. 

"Des?" Leo exclaimed, "Where are you!? My arm is pinned under this beam."

"At least, it's just... your arm!" I state faintly, "I'm trapped... under lockers... and a beam..."

"Hang on, Des... We're gonna get out of this..." Leo replied.

"Le- Leo, I-I have to tell you something... If I don't m-make it... You-You're my best friend and- and... I think my ribs are broke..." I start, slipping into unconsciousness once again but kind of remaining awake.

"Help!" Leo shouted again.

"Leo?" Douglas replied as Perry replied, "Dooley!"

"My arm is stuck under this beam, and Des needs help also!" Leo said as I heard Douglas try and lift the beam off of him and then ran to get help from the firemen. Perry tried as well.


Leo woke up strapped down on a table, immediately freaking out, "Where am I? Wait, this is Krane's warehouse. Help! Somebody, help!"

Douglas rushed over to the boy's side, reassuring him, "Calm down. I had to bring you here for the necessary equipment." 

"Necessary equipment for what?" Leo slightly repeated in confusion.

"Take off the bandage," Douglas simply answered as Leo did what he said and took off the white bandage on his arm.

"It's completely healed, but how?" Leo let out in disbelief.

"Go ahead. Pretend like you're throwing a ball." Douglas said.

"Is now really a good time to make fun of how uncoordinated I am?" The boy replied.

"Just do it." He answered as Leo swung his arm like how a pitcher does in baseball; An orb flew out of his hand and crashed into the barrel across the room.

"Whoah." Leo murmured.

"Congratulations, Leo, you're bionic now." Douglas stated.

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