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Due to my hostility, the bus driver did not ask anything more. I could tell Quinn had been a bit startled by the cold sharpness that did not usually saturate my voice. I felt like sinking further into the hard bus seat, shocked with myself. We came to a stop slowly, letting off one of the people off. The other was still slumped in his chair, hoody over his head his bowed head, and his arms were crossed over his chest. 

"Last stop." The driver said as he parked, flinging open the double doors with a hiss, "This is the closest I can get to The Balance Bar." 

Quinn and I stood. "Thank you."

"No problem, kid. Be careful, that bar isn't for good people. Just follow the sidewalk and you won't miss it." He pointed straight out his window as he warned us. I wondered if he knew what the place really was. I read his name tag, Joseph, and nodded before walking down the tree black steps onto the pavement. "Hey, Jimmy! Time to get off!" 

I turned to see the man who had been sleeping slink down the aisle slowly before getting off. 

"See you tomorrow, Joe." The man named Jimmy said. He kept his hood up, face down, and hands shoved deep into his pockets as he continued on the sidewalk in the opposite direction of Quinn and me. 

"He must be homeless," Quinn stated as the bus engine roared and drove off. "He uses the bus for rest during the day." 

"Probably to save his energy for whatever horrors he deals with at night," I added as I stared at the man's back. More than likely he had a weapon in his pocket that he was gripping. 

"Or he is the horror." Quinn shivered. I placed my hand gently on her back. She was not one to enjoy contact but she allowed it this time, knowing that I more than likely needed the comfort more than her. 

"Let's try not to think about it," I advised before we continued on our way.



"How are we going to accomplish this?" Her voice shook despite trying to sound indifferent. After all the murder we had seen, it was difficult to unsettle us but this was on a new level that we knew we were not prepared for.  Seeing dead bodies would be nothing compared to finding ourselves face to face with the monsters who did the deed. Not to mention we were not just meeting them anywhere but in their own organization. 

I did not have an answer for her that was guaranteed but I tried my best to sound confident.  

"I'll keep the mask on." I stated, "You just need to act difficult."

"You're going to pretend you captured me?" 

"Yes. Give me a reason not to have a chance to take my mask off." 

"And what if the group who took your sister recognizes me. Surely they would rather see me die than trust that I would become obedient and sell me instead." 

That was something I had not thought about. "I don't know what we will do then. But we have to at least try." 

All Quinn could do was nod. 

We could hear cheering in the distance, signaling out planning time was over. I pulled the red mask from the backpack and put it on. My stomach twisted. Even pretending to be what they were made me want to be sick. I had seen their handy work all too well and I knew I could never do what they did. Not for all the money that the government had to offer. 

The Balance Bar appeared to be nothing more than what the title alluded to. Through the windows, we could see men, and some women were sitting around drinking at tables or at the bar. People were laughing and having a good time. We stood in front of the window observing. I was not sure what to expect but it was not what I was seeing. 

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