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The bidding room was nothing like the front of that bar. It lacked any outside light to keep prying eyes from the horrors inside yet deep red curtains hung from that ceiling to floor as if it were a luxury home. Glossy wood covered the floor and chandelier hung above my head. Tables with pure white cloth were placed orderly around the room with ten chairs for each. Nearly all of the seats were occupied by people who were dressed too nicely to be from the middle class or to be apart of the bar. 

I could not help but wonder how the people drinking in the front did not realize how overly dressed the individuals invited to the back were. Perhaps they thought it was a luxurious place for the rich to drink away from that of the middle class. Perhaps they were too drunk to question. 

At the front of the room was a lifted stage where they had a child standing with its arms out straight as it turned in a circle. The child was clearly shaking. A man spoke into a microphone announcing the child's height, weight, and other measurements. My face was heated under the red mask as I followed the man who thought I was his colleague Craig led the way to a back table that was unoccupied and sat down. Small lavender smelling candles gave each table a soft glow. As I looked out across the room it was apparent that the closer to the stage you were, the more money you had. My stomach twisted as I looked at a number that had been placed in front of my seat, just like every seat, that had a specific number. A personal bidding number on a stick. 

"I'm going to bet on that girl," the man snickered. "Hopefully she'll misbehave up there and no one will want to better on her. I only have so much that I am able to spend right now." 

I stayed silent. 

"My wife, you know Janice, hasn't exactly been the most active and loving wife if you know what I mean. We don't even share a room anymore. Pretty sure if it wasn't for our kids we would already split months ago." 

My hands clamped tightly in my lap beneath the white tablecloth. His reason for bidding on Quinn was sickening. 

"Not too sure I would want to keep her around for too long though. I would have to see how well I could control her," the man looked at me, his mask still covered his face. He lifted his finger and dragged it across his neck. "Or else. The black hair is entrancing, I must say. I think even if she knocked out the auctioneer people will still offer more than what I can afford." 

I wanted to grab the back of his neck and slam his face into the table. I knew it would not do any good for myself, Quinn, or Cora if I acted on my feelings.

"Notice, ladies and gentlemen, that young Brady here has much more to grow. He could be helpful in your workshop or any labor required business." The auctioneer stated about the child with deep blonde hair and tanned skin. "First offer, can I get five hundred?"

A woman seated in the middle of the room raised her paddle, her watch glistened in the candlelight against her wrist. 

"Seven?" The man on-stage question. Another hand raised, this time closer to the front. 

I watched as this happened several more time as the amount for the boy continued to rise until it reached the amount of five thousand. 

"Sold!" The man shouted. "To the gentleman in the bright red jacket! Good buy, sir!"

I watched as a pin with the number matching the red jacket man's paddle was pinned to his shirt before being led off the stage. I wondered if anyone within the room had bought my sister or if she had been put back to try selling for another time. The bidding continued. Each person increased with age and the amount for each increased. It was almost as if they took each age group and then set them on stage from estimated least desirable to most desirable. It was frightening. Human trafficking was happening right before my eyes and yet there was nothing I could do. 

"Now, we have some special rarities for you all today." The man announced in his booming voice. He seemed to enjoy the stage and the attention that came with it. "As you know, we usually do not have the pleasure of offering you ready to go material that you can put to use immediately after purchase; but, today, we have two for you. Get your wallets ready."

My stomach churned. It would either be the boy who had been beaten or it would be Quinn. I was not ready for it to be Quinn, not yet. I stared at my paddle, the number sixty was printed in black on the painted white wood. I wanted nothing more than to be able to fake that I had money and buy Quinn. I went from having one person to worry about to two people. I refused to choose between them. I would save them both or I would give my life trying. 

"Meet Stefan," The big-bellied man waved his arm as the door opened. It was the guy who jumped the red mask after listening to whispers from Quinn. His face was clearly bruised and I could tell even from my place in the back of the room. "He obviously is a rough one. On the bright side, it has been confirmed that he is strong and fast. If you have the security and capability to control him he will be a perfect buy." 

The man cleared his throat before continuing as the guy named Chance glared at him before turning his eyes onto those in the room. Since the incident in the back room, they had tied up his hands and had also put chains around his ankles that limited how fast he could travel around. 

"Starting bid has been placed at five thousand." I nearly choked at the amount. For that amount, my family could have eaten for months. The amount continued to rise to fifteen thousand before one of the largest men I had ever seen tipped the scale with his bid. Stefan glared at the man. If he had any of the same glint he had in his eyes previously, I knew he was not going to let the large man intimidate him. Just by Stefan's stance, you could tell that he was a fighter at heart. 

Perhaps that is what they would use him for. I had heard of underground fight rings that could make you a lot of money if you were good. It would not surprise me if people bought guys to train and then enter for money. 

My stomach churned as they pinned a number to Stefan and removed him from the stage. Quinn was next. 

"Please turn your attention back to the stage because we have something even more special." The man smiled. "The young woman would not give her name but that's alright. You can give her a new one if you wish. Bring her on out."

They had bound Quinn as well. He dark hair circled around her. To suppress my panic I had to remind myself that I had her shock button. 

"Look at those unique eyes, ladies, and gentlemen, and that beautiful jet black hair." The man said offensively. It felt as though everyone in the room sat straighter in their chair. The man next to me grumbled as he realized how desirable she appeared to be. She was beautiful, that I knew, but she did not look the graceful beauty that the man was trying to depicture her as. She looked like a dangerous type of beautiful, full of rage. 

"Great," he said. "They brought out the bad boy first and now she looks less intimidating. Doubt the starting price will even be in my budget now."

"Startin budget, fifty thousand." My heart ached as nearly everyone with in the front tables raised their paddle. I had no way to know what their intentions for her were but they saw value. The paddles continue to rise with the price until it reached an unbelievable amount of one hundred thousand. A man with bleach blonde hair in a deep navy blue suit was the one who offered the most as he stood up to announce his own price to beat all of the others. 

"I would like to offer one hundred and fifty thousand." The man said. His voice was smooth as a grin spread across his face. 

The red-masked man let out a low whistle. "I would pay that too if I had it." 

The auctioneer smiled from ear to ear. "One hundred and fifty thousand going once, going twice. Sold, to Mr. Roland Callahan!" 

The man named Mr. Callahan gestured to two guards of his own, dressed in head to toe in black, to fetch Quinn from the stage. It was obvious he did not want his purchase to leave his sight. 

I did not know what to do. 

0001 {The Number Series}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن