• Rose •

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Chapter eight

My eyes felt heavy and I felt myself inside someone's arms. It wasn't the feeling I get when Damon held me it was cold and scary. I realize slowly I've been kidnapped. "Please" I croaked out. My eyes wouldn't open so I just laid tense inside the arms as they put me down slowly on a couch. The bright light shone in my eyes as I looked to see who my kidnapped was. "What do you want from me?" I spoke as the man untied my arms and legs from a thick rope.

"Shut up and just let me have one taste" He sat me up as I screamed my lungs out.

"Trevor control yourself" A strong voice echoed.

A beautiful woman stood behind my kidnapper. Her short hair styled neatly and her face soft. But, once she looked at me she frowned "You got the wrong girl!"

"That's the sister," Trevor said. My body shook and I made my self sink into the couch even deeper. "We could use her, or I could just eat her" The woman grumbles under her breath.

"What do you people want with me," I said my head aching.

"I don't want you I want your sister Katherine" I shook my head as the women glared at me.

"But, she's not Kath-" I began to explain.

"Be quiet"

"She's not Katherine and I'm Nina Gilbert"

"I know who you are" Her voice grew higher, "I said be quiet" I backed up shaking my head. Everyone wants to hurt my family and this time I won't let anything happen to Elena.

"What do you people want!" Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my cheek and the world around me became dark.

"How's the girl?" I heard voices in the other room. I winced and brought my hand to my cheek.

"Still passed out" Trevor spoke.

"You didn't touch her right?"

"Please give me some credit," Trevor said chuckling.

I got up slightly on my elbow. My body was freezing and the only thought that went through my mind was if Elena noticed I was gone. I shivered thinking about how these vampires could compel me. I had no neckless, vervain, and no ring to bring me back to life. "Did you call him?" The woman said quietly. Who? Were they going to give me to someone? No, I have to escape.

"Yes, Elijah's 'people' said he got the message" I got up from the couch while they spoke to each other. I saw the front door ahead of me. I had to walk slowly if I wanted to escape. If I ran and they heard me they could catch up easily and probably kill me.

I stepped slowly to the door and suddenly I felt a gush of wind and Trevor was in front of me. "Where do you think you're going princess" I gasped as he took my arms and threw me against the wall behind us. I screamed as my body hit the wall hard.

"Trevor what are you doing?!" The woman yelled at him angrily.

I cried my body felt like it was burning. "Come here" Trevor picked me up roughly by the waist and threw me over his shoulder.

"Let go of me!" I screamed hitting his back with all my strength.

"She tried escaping Rose. You're welcome" he glared at Rose and threw me on the couch. "Stay kitty" I glared up at him and sat on the couch rubbing my injured leg.

Rose came over to me and glared taking my wrist in her hand "We are in the middle of nowhere" Any hope of escaping disappears. "There is no escaping" she hisses.

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