part two

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"Did you ever love me?"

"i, uhhh..."


i thought about it you know, going up to you, to talk.
it's been on my mind ever since i could remember.
i mean, the notion was so amazing and bold.
the exact opposite of myself.
i can picture your face from bare memory.
spending countless hours gazing at someone, hoping for them to look your way does that to a person.
it sounds a bit typical and cliché, but the first thing i noticed about you, was those azure blue eyes.
they weren't a sea foam blue-green, or sky blue.
with specks of gold and black.

"do you want to be my friend?"

those were the first words you said to me.
i was stupid.
i said no.
i can't help but wonder what would have happened if i had said yes.
maybe we would of actually became friends.
i don't know.
maybe it's the regret i feel, or possibly the part of me that over analyzes everything, but i can't help but go back to that moment everyday.
everyday i pass you in the halls, i wish, that even if it's just a small, fleeting glance, for you to look my way.
i know i can do better.
but my mind always goes back to you.
i imagined you to be amazing.
please tell me if i'm right.

-someone you don't know

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