part four

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"stop singing!"




sometimes i imagine special moments taking place between us.
they're nothing special.
just small moments that take place.
small playful glances in the car.
sitting next to you, leaning on your shoulders.
burying my face in the crook of your neck.
lazying about on a saturday.
kisses on the cheek, temple and forhead.

"i love you"

in each other's ears.
staring in eachother's eyes, breathless, after a passionate kiss.
waking up next to you with a smile on my face.
the wide-eyed look we both share, before bursting into a bought of laughter.
going to the gardens, even though you hate it.
but you know i love it, so you go anyway.
arguing over how to build a piece of furniture from ikea.
only to realize we were both wrong.
when the smallest things bring a smile to your face, in turn bringing a smile to mine.
holding eachother out in the freezing cold of the winter.
all these things and more, are what i hope will take place between us.
i wish you felt the same way.

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