Children should not play near dangerous places

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You decided to follow Yunan's directions to the dungeon, but you brought with you three of your best soldiers Aelian, Talven and Helga, hoping one of them would please the djinn inside. Aelian was a red haired girl, slightly younger than you but able to defeat anyone in a brawl. Talven was a middle aged magician with no hair and a fragile stomach. His knowledge in Power magic was proven efficient against a large number of enemies. Helga was a small blond haired woman. Few words passed her mouth, but she was an expert at stealth mission and assassination. As the oldest feminine member of the army, the soldiers referred to her as "mother" thought you never saw if she was the kind or tough one, as she barely interact with others when you were around. Your two Household Members, Mephelios, a Fanalis born from free parents and Yura, an always smiling brown haired woman, insisted to came along, even though you wanted them to defend the border. The six of you rode to the source of the river with no problem and arrived to the place two days after your departure. The dungeon seemed to be carved inside the mountain. The door was shining, several meters from the ground. As you approached, you didn't see any way to make to the entrance instead of climbing. It was then that 4 silhouettes caught your attention, just below the dungeon's facade. You readied your bow and instructed your soldiers to do the same. The forms happened to be three teenagers and one child who took fighting stances when they noticed you. You lowered your weapons and dismount near them.

"Children shouldn't play near dangerous places," you warned them.

The blue haired child was the first one to put back his staff and approached you, an innocent smile on his face.

"Hi Miss. Nice to meet you Aladdin, and here are my friends Alibaba, Morg and Hakuryuu. We are not playing, we're here to capture the dungeon." His cute face was full of determination and you didn't have the heart to laugh at this inconceivable statement. A quick look to the other three told you that they were not joking.

"Are you really going to enter?" How on earth could you let innocent children risk their lives in such a place?

"Don't worry Miss. We're not as weak as we seem, " said the blonde guy. He had a bright smile and shown you his blade, engraved with the 8 branched magic circle.

"A Metal Vessel..." you whispered.

A small smile lightened your serious face. You took a second glare at the group. The little blue haired boy had a flute around his neck and a wooden staff in his back. A magician, you guessed. You recognized the Fanalis traits in the red hair girl. At least, you hoped she was as she didn't had any weapon. The boy with a scar on his face intrigued you. His face brought back some memories but you couldn't remember well. He had a spear which blade was hidden in multiple layers of clothes. And finally, the Djinn user. Could one of them be the person mentioned by Yunan?

"Miss, the Rukhs seem to like you a lot. They're dancing around you." Aladdin smiled, pointing invisible things near you. 

Of course, you knew what Rukhs were. There was a magician in your selected candidates, Talven, and he told you about those little birds of lights. He had already mentioned them gathering around you, but hearing a complete stranger tell the same things confirmed that he wasn't just saying foolish tales.

"Anyway, I can't let you go inside," you stated.

But as you said this, they were flying on a magic carpet to the entrance.


You quickly draw your bow and send an arrow with a rope that Mephelios had prepared directly on top of the door. Of course, you could not make it in time to prevent them to enter, but you didn't had to speak to your followers for them to know what to do. The six of you climbed as fast as you could and soon enough, you passed the strange portal leading inside the unknown dungeon.

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