Wattpad Original

Original Edition - Tip 24: Be Babysitters

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"James, get the diaper bag!" I shout from outside. I'm at the front door, holding Marie's carseat with one hand and holding David's hand with the other.

"What the heck is a diaper bag?" he screams back. Who in the world doesn't know what a freaking diaper bag is?

"The big, bulky bag with, I don't know, diapers!" I yell.

"Oh okay! I was wondering what that was for!" He comes out with Hannah and the diaper bag slung over his shoulder. He unlocks the car and I place the carseats in the backseat.

The two kids take their position beside Marie, who is sleeping, and I buckle their seatbelts. I slide into the front seat beside James, who starts the car.

As we drive, I turn on the radio and switch between stations. James slaps my hand away and I glare at him. "My car, my music."

"Why don't you focus on the road and let me pick a radio station." I retort.

"What? No!"

"Focus on the road, Bryer."


"I said focus on the road before I punch you."

"Gosh! Okay! Women are literally the craziest." he huffs as I turn on the radio again.

"You think I'm crazy? You should've seen Carol after one of her breakups. She tried to convince me to go with her to buy tools from Home Depot to smash a guy's car." I laugh, remembering the dangerous yet funny time in our life.

He looks at me with wide eyes. "So do you think Mark's going to be alright? I mean, I'm kind of concerned about my best friend getting, you know, injured."

"Yeah...well, I think he's going to be okay." I reassure him. Lies. Once they get past that honeymoon phase or whatever, Carol is going full on...Carol. I just know it. When it does happen, my popcorn shall be ready. I look outside the window and see the trees swaying in the wind. Huh. It's really windy today.

"James, are we almost there?" Hannah asks impatiently, though her tiny voice makes the complaint sound adorable.

"Don't worry sweetie, we're almost there." James responds, looking at her through the front mirror. Is it weird that I find that oddly...cute?

"Lara, I'm hungry!" David exclaims and I look at James.

"Did you feed them breakfast?" I ask. It's still early morning. I check my phone, 9:00.

"Their dad said they already ate!" James explains, "That's why I thought they were okay! Plus, I asked them and they said they were full!"

"Well we were full when you asked us. Now, we're hungry." Hannah argues and I can't help but laugh as James rolls his eyes.

"Can we stop by Tim Horton's or something? I can get them breakfast." I tell him. James simply smiles at me and nods. "Plus, you woke me up so early that I need a coffee." I state. I don't drink coffee everyday to ensure that I don't get addicted, but when I'm really tired, I need coffee.

"Yeah, sorry about that." he apologizes.

I snort. "Really?"

"Nah. I'd probably forget the kids or something if you weren't here." he admits. Yeah...he probably would.

He drives to the nearest Tim Horton's which is right around the area, and parks in a vacant parking lot. We hop out of the car. I hold both Hannah and David's hand, while James carries Marie in her carseat. There's really no point in putting her in the stroller when we're just stopping by.

We enter and James places the carseat on the table. He sits down.

"Do you want anything?" I ask him before heading to the line.

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