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Original Edition - Tip 36.5

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[Special Chapter]


I don't know what came over me when I kissed her. Obviously, I really wanted to kiss her for a while now. I already had the plan to ask her first so I wouldn't be invading her space like the last time I couldn't help myself. That was terrible. Instead of actually getting my lips on hers, I got humiliated and a bruise on my thigh.

As our lips met, I didn't remember any of that.

All I knew was that I was tasting perfection in it's most beautiful form. And this time, she was kissing me back. I kiss her in a way that I've never kissed anyone before. It's different with her. When I kiss her, I think about all the ways I want her. Kissing her, not thinking about how she looks or about her body, but loving every inch of her soul and mind and everything about her.

She breaks the kiss to take a breath. There's a small, delightful smile on her lips, and a mischievous twinkle in her eye, though she doesn't look at me.

Oh God help me. She's going to kill me.

I place my forehead on hers, listening to the sound of her breathing. "Lara, what's 1+1?" I whisper against her lips, waiting for an answer.

"James." she whispers as she exhales, then presses her lips on mine again. Seeing that the answer to 1+1 is my name, I'm pretty sure she's enjoying herself. The sound of my name coming from her lips makes me love her even more. The way she says it is making me go insane.

The funny thing is, I don't think she even knows that she has this effect on me.

I get lost in the kiss. I think we both lose ourselves for a couple of minutes, addicted to one another in a way that we've never been.

Finally, she breaks the kiss. As I look down at her face, illuminated by the light of the stars, I become mesmerized by her. Just her. Simply looking at Lara gives me goosebumps. When she doesn't say anything, I begin to get concerned. What if she actually really hated the kiss? What if she wants to break up with me?

Please don't break up with me. I need you forever and it's only been 5 minutes. I plead internally.

"So..." I start awkwardly, trying to get her to say anything at all.

"Damn it. You stole it from me." she pouts adorably, and I fight the urge to wipe that pout off of her face by kissing her again.

"Stole?" I ask, confused.

"You stole my first kiss." she says.

"Oh. You've never been kissed?" Although I'm not entirely shocked since she does love to threaten any males within a 10 feet radius from her, I'm still surprised. I thought she would've kissed a guy before, maybe in like a kindergarten fake wedding at least.

"Yeah." she admits shyly, pulling the blanket up to cover her face, revealing only her beautiful brown eyes.

I push the blanket back down and lean in to plant a small kiss on the tip of her nose. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but I'm the best thief in the city and I'm gonna steal all of your kisses, whether you like it or not."

That earns a cute giggle from her. It's weird hearing her giggle since she usually laughs somewhat loudly. Either way, it makes my heart beat a little faster.

"My parents might kill us since we're out so late." she tells me, but I just smile.

"They won't. They knew what our date plan was."

She lets out a relieved sigh.

"But it is late. Let's get you home."

We clean up the pillows and the blankets and load them into the backseat of the truck. I open the door and she hops into the passenger seat, holding a blanket wrapped around herself. I get into the drivers seat and we start driving home.

We talk for the first 30 minutes of the drive home, but after that she falls asleep for the next 2 hours. I don't wake her up because she looks so cute as she snores softly.

When we get to her house, I try to wake her up to tell her that we're here. But she just slaps my hands, and mumbles things as she's barely conscious. I figure that there's no other way, and I carry her out of the truck, to the front door.

Trying to support her weight, I use my elbow to ring the doorbell. Luckily, Illa stays up very late so she gets the door. She opens the door and let's us in.

"How was the date, Kuya James?" Illa asks me, yawning.

"It went very well and I'm still alive with minimal injuries." I state proudly.

"I see, I see. So what, you drugged my sister?" she accuses, pointing to Lara, probably drooling on my shoulder.

"Nope. She just ate a lot of fried chicken and fell asleep." I answer and Illa nods.

"Sounds like Ate Ara. Just bring her up, I guess. It's the last room from the stairs." she shrugs, then goes back to watching T.V.

Following instructions, I take off my shoes and head upstairs. I make my way to her bedroom, which is the furthest one to the left. I turn the doorknob and flick the light switch.

Her room is smaller than mine, but it's so much more interesting. She has probably almost a hundred books, taking up half of her room. Her stuff consists of anything geeky, mixed with some girly decor.

When we get inside, I gently place her into her bed. I lay the blanket on top of her and she snuggles comfortably.

I turn to leave when I notice something on her nightstand. It's a box. I open the box to see a ring, a ring so familiar because I made it.

And she kept it.

Even when we weren't friends, she still had it.

I take the little ring out of the box and slip it onto her pinky finger.

"Goodnight. I love you." I whisper before kissing her cheek ever so lightly.

I turn off the light and close the door as I leave her room. As I shut the door, my brain registers the words that just left my mouth.

I love her.

I'm back y'all!

As promised, that was your special chapter. When reading comments, I saw that a lot of people wanted a James P.O.V. so I decided to write one. This isn't chapter 37 but 36.5 so it's short. Hope you liked it nonetheless!


Now for my storytime.

So one evening, miss author went to church for the Christmas eve mass. T'was the night before Christmas so she decided to wear some pretty cute heels, to look presentable there. The snow it was high, but she trudged through it all, though later embarrasment soon would resolve. As walking to the car, after mass which was finished, she felt pretty unbalanced and was almost tripping. So her cousin, on her right, she grabbed her arm, and continued to walk, down the pathway so far. After a good few seconds of holding her sleeve, her cousin turned to her, and what did author see? T'was not her cousin whom she was holding the arm of, but a tall teenage boy who smiled at her mistake!

So she quickly said sorry and then proceeded to run away.


I'm very smooth in real life, guys.

-Summer :)

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