Day: 5 Best Female Vocaloid

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My best female Vocaloid is Hatsune Miku. She was the third Vocaloid I ever saw and my first exposure to her was in a concert video for "Shake It!".

To honor Miku, her are some random facts about her:

- She is the most popular Vocaloid ever.
- Her most popular song is "World is Mine".
- Her release date (birthday) is August 31st, 2007.
- Her V3 update, including her English voicebank, was released on August 31st, 2013, exactly six years after her initial release.
- Fan arts of Miku were created and made public within 24 hours of her first release.
- A Mandarine Chinese voicebank is being made for Miku and it will be released sometime in the near future.

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