Day 6: Best Male Vocaloid

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My best male Vocaloid is Kaito. He's my best Vocaloid in general! He was the fourth Vocaloid I ever saw. My first exposure to him, as previously mentioned, was in a concert video of "Erase or Zero".

To honor Kaito, here are some random facts about him:

- He was the first male Japanese Vocaloid.
- He has no last name and no official age, though many fans assume he is 20 years old.
- His release date (birthday) was February 17th, 2006, two years after the rest of the V1 Vocaloids (Leon, Lola, Miriam, and Meiko), who were all released in 2004.
- His V3 update, including an English voicebank, was released on February 15th, 2013.
- "Crypton Future Media is looking to update KAITO again, however, they do not know if this will be released for V4." -     (Seeing as V4 has already been released, I assume this means Kaito might get a V5 update.)
- Kaito was the first male bilingual Vocaloid with Japanese and English.

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