XXX. Twilight

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Melaina Jackson
Locker: 139 C
Combination: 4-16-27
Grade: 11, junior
Year: 2005-2006
Homeroom: Mrs. Zee

1. French III - Mrs. Zee - Building 7
2. Pre-Calculus - Ms. Heather - Building 5
3. English - Mr. Mason - Building 3
4. American History - Mr. Jefferson - Building 6
5. Lunch
6. Biology II - Mr. Molina - Building 2
7. Gym - Coach Clapp - Gym B


On Tuesday, January 18, Isabella Swan joined the juniors of Forks High.

Melaina didn't catch sight of the Arizona girl until lunch, though she heard talk of her endlessly.

Forks didn't often get new kids, especially in the middle of the school year, and Jessica Stanley had snatched the poor girl into her birdlike claws like a helpless fish. Jessica explained each of the Cullens to the new girl, which could never be a good thing given Jessica's snarky attitude.

"The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big, dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal."

Rosalie scowled in annoyance, but Emmett was quite amused by the human girl's snide descriptions of his family.

Jessica continued, oblivious to the Cullens' supernatural hearing, "The little dark-haired girl, Alice, she's really weird... She's with Jasper, the blond who looks like he's in pain."

Jasper twirled Alice around as they walked to their usual table in the crowded lunch room.

Edward was last to enter since Mel was already seated against the brick cafeteria wall. "Who's he?" Bella asked.

"That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently no one here is good enough for him. Like I care."

Jessica caught Bella staring at Edward. "Don't waste your time," Jessica warned her.

Melaina watched Bella watch Edward. More than one person hoped Bella would heed Jessica's advice.

"There's a new foster girl, Melaina Jackson, but she doesn't usually sit with them," Jessica explained to Bella Swan. "She's so weird, like Alice." Mel was content in her spot on the floor on the very edge of the cafeteria. She spent a lot of time people-watching while music blared in her ears.

Today, Mel watched her new vampire family with no music. Only when she was aware that they couldn't eat did she really notice how they pushed around their lunch food until it practically disintegrated on the tray. Melaina pulled her knees to her chest and gazed at them.

Edward kicked Jasper's chair and the empath looked ashamed. Mel knew that he was struggling to control his thirst around so many humans. Jasper had gotten better with Mel; living with her for the last two years had almost desensitized her scent to the point where it was bearable. Alice predicted her menstrual cycle, and Jasper conveniently disappeared for four days once a month.

Edward and the new girl had a staring match until she flushed in embarrassment and looked away. Mel turned her eyes quickly to Jasper to gauge his reaction, but he was distractedly looking out the window. Probably longing to hunt instead of being trapped inside. Mel wished to be outside of this prison too.

Melaina left lunch early to snatch a seat in the very back of her next class. Edward was in step with her a moment later as they headed to Biology II in building two. The new girl from Arizona arrived with Mike Newton and Eric Yorkie.


Edward stiffened as Bella Swan stepped in front of the fan for the teacher to sign her first-day form. He grabbed onto the edge of the lab table, crumbling it slightly with his strength. Mel watched with worry in her eyes. Bella's scent was affecting Edward; maybe it was because she was new and unfamiliar?

Bella stumbled over a book in the walkway and blushed tomato red as she caught herself. Edward clenched his fists under the table.

A shadow had Mel turning her head from her foster brother to face Angela, Melaina's lab partner in Mr. Molina's class. She was a shy girl with big glasses and a pretty smile. Mel considered her a school friend, but never made the initiative to bring any conversation outside of the biology room.

"Hi, Mel," Angela said, taking her seat at the black-topped lab table. She placed her spiral notebook down with two black ballpoint pens. She always seemed prepared.

Mel greeted her back and returned to staring at the predatory lion and his innocent little lamb.


Melaina was nervous at Edward's behavior. He was leaning away from the new girl, nearly sitting on thin air as he tried to place himself as far away on the chair as possible. Mel had started to text her siblings during class for reinforcements if need be, but the coal black glare Edward shot her way dissolved that idea. She hoped Alice was at least watching.

Fifty minutes felt like fifty years.

Edward sped out of the classroom as the bell rang at a speed that barely passed for human. Mel shook her head as she shoved her things in her bag in one swoop. She released the breath she was holding.

As she headed out of the room, she caught sight of the look on Edward's lab partner's face: Bella looked stricken. Mel felt bad for her. She knew how broody her new brother could be. Mel debated with herself and then backtracked after a moment.

"Hi, um, I'm Melaina Jackson," the Forks native introduced herself. "So, where are you headed?"

Bella blinked out of her stupor. "Oh, uh...let me check." Bella pulled out a sheet of paper from her bag with her schedule on it. "Gym." She groaned.

"Me too, actually. Coach Clapp. I could show you the way, if you want."

"Sure, thank you." Bella glanced around, and her eyes widened at the sight of baby-faced Newton making his way over. She jumped up. "Let's go. We don't want to be late."


Melaina enjoyed volleyball in gym class, but she didn't pursue it outside of school. She was short, so spiking the ball always involved jumping ridiculously high and hitting hard to get over the net. It was satisfying when the other team underestimated her. She quickly showed them that she played the game seriously.

Bella, on the other hand, struggled to play. She barely could walk across the gym floor without tripping over her two left feet. The other team caught on to our predicament and kept hitting the ball towards Bella. She slapped the volleyball in her palm and it went flying across the court, hitting Mike Newton in the head.

Score one for Bella.

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