XLIV. Seventeen

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When June 12th rolled around, Alice had every detail of Melaina's seventeenth birthday party planned out. It would be a simple party, as Mel wanted, with the family, Bella, and Savannah.

Mel and Savannah dressed up in cute summer outfits and went out to their favorite taco place for dinner. Carlisle drove them to and from the restaurant. After the girls ate, they went back to the Cullens' house for dessert and presents.

Everyone talked amongst themselves as they got settled around the table. Following a silent cue, someone dimmed the lights dramatically. Esme stepped into the grand dining room with a cake full of glowing candles in her hands.

Mel grinned uncomfortably as the attention was suddenly turned on her.

"Bon anniversaire à vous. Bon anniversaire à vous!"

The Cullens, Bella, and Savannah began to sing "Happy Birthday" in French, and Mel couldn't help but giggle in surprise.

"Bon anniversaire à Melaina! Bon anniversaire à vous..."

Alice snapped picture after picture as Mel made a wish and blew out her birthday candles. Carlisle gave her the first slice of cake before passing out plates of cake to the others.

The vampires pretended to eat for the sake of their secret. Savannah was the only one in the room who was unaware of the Cullens true nature.

The chocolate frosted vanilla cake was heavenly. Esme had handwritten "Happy Birthday, Mel" in gold icing across the top. Between the vanilla layers of cake, there was raspberry jelly. Mel ate her way through two slices.

The family reconvened to the living room a little while later to open presents.

"Open Savannah's first," Alice ordered. Sav shrugged and handed over the wrapped square-shaped gift.

Mel carefully untaped the purple wrapping paper. It was a picture frame with two photos of Sav and Mel: one as little kids making funny faces by their lopsided sandcastle in La Push, and the second was a recent selfie of the two during lunch in the library at Forks High.

Mel smiled at the memories and pulled her best friend into a hug. "I love it. Did you paint the frame?" The white frame had their names written in elegant purple cursive letters.

"Yeah I did. I'm glad you like it."

"It's beautiful," Esme complimented when Mel handed it over to her. Sav blushed lightly at the praise.

"Mine next!" Alice insisted. Jasper jabbed her with his elbow. "Okay, okay. It's from Jazz, Rose, Em, and Edward too," Alice amended. She pulled out a black jewelry box with a bright smile.

"Are you proposing to me, Alice?" Mel joked. "You have to go down on one knee, silly."

The pixie rolled her eyes and tossed Mel the box. "Just open it, you dork."

Mel laughed and untied the green ribbon. Her mouth dropped open in awe at the gift.

"What is it?" Sav asked curiously when Mel made no move to share with the class.

"The Cullen crest." Mel met Alice's eyes. "You got me a Cullen crest."

The silver necklace held a charm with an intricate design that represented the Cullen clan.

Mel was amazed. Her eyes teared up a little at their thoughtfulness. "Thank you," she said sincerely, giving every one of her siblings a fierce hug.

"We saved the best for last."

Mel slid the box onto the living room table beside her picture frame and took the rolled-up paper from Carlisle's outstretched hand. The green and black ribbons held the paper together like a scroll. She untied each ribbon with delicate movements.

Tears of surprise and happiness filled Melaina's grey-green eyes as she scanned the formal paper in her hand.

Certificate of Adoption:
This is to Certify that
Melaina Rose
Born in Forks, Washington
On the 12th Day of June 1989
Was Officially Adopted by
Carlisle and Esme Cullen
On the 12th Day of June­ 2006

She barely choked out her next words: "I'm a Cullen now?"

Savannah gasped happily as she read over her best friend's shoulder.

"You've been a Cullen since we took you in," Carlisle said with a warm smile. "Now it's official."

The newly adopted teen jumped off the cushioned couch and launched herself into Carlisle's stone arms. Esme joined the hug, and the feeling of two parents' love hit her for the first time.

Carlisle thumbed away her tears. "I'm so happy. I love you guys." And she did.

Carlisle and Esme were what she needed to continue on with her life. Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, Edward, and Alice all gave her a reason to live with a smile. They were her family now.

She was a Cullen.

~*~ ♡ ~*~


This was the end of Darkness Will Come to Light, but the journey isn't over for Melaina Cullen!

Information for the second part of Melaina's story, Turn Scars to Stars, will be in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading this far!

With Love and Cupcakes,

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