dear suicide

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longish talk ahead - if you are uncomfortable about death/suicide, be wary that both are talked about in detail - skip if you aren't interested, although you should be/comfortable.

i wanted to point out that being suicidal is not just one generalised view.

many people struggle with reasons they should live their lives; no hope for a future, death of a loved one and sometimes, mental illness.

a suicidal person may be mentally-well, leading a great life but struggles to comprehend life and reasons for it.

someone else might have lead a hard life from the start and wish it to be over and done with.

another person could not necessarily want to go through with killing themselves but if faced with a situation to live or die, might not try.

don't joke about suicide or say to someone who wants to, "stop it, it'll get better." that is the worse thing you can say.

saying "i'll do it with you right now, let's go," does NOT make someone feel loved; it makes them feel like you don't understand how serious and permanent death is and how suicide isn't cool.

if anyone is ever having thoughts about
suicide/is suicidal, PLEASE don't feel afraid to talk to me. i know exactly what is going on and i've experienced this myself/with others.

you are all loved.


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