An Inescapable Game

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A/n: Dear God, you guys, your comments on chapter thirty three were sheerly amazing. So that little contest I had, Renner_Addict135 has gotten the closest (so far) but since she got a dedication on the last chapter, I decided to dedicate this to the wonderful JustHandMeTheBook.  Thank you also to GINALEXY1 for her amazing comments as well. Secondly, I have decided the "Solomon" from the 12 Years a Slave soundtrack is Sherlia's song while "Powerless" by Linkin Park is Mormelia. 

Thirdly, I'm thinking of doing a Brilliant prequel after I finish Radiant which will cover James and Amelia's story and shall be called Adamant. Thoughts?

Lastly, should I enter Brilliant in 2015's Watty's? You all seem to like it a lot so...

And now, for the chapter you have all been desperately waiting for...

A lone tear fell from Amelia’s metallic eyes and onto Sherlock’s cheek as she pressed her soft lips to Sherlock’s forehead. She’d stayed up all night, turning over Moriarty’s note again and again in her mind palace, storing it away. She had thought of every possible outcome, every possible way she could save the people she had saved but each time she had come back to the same conclusion. Going with Moriarty was the only way.

She grabbed Moriarty’s note, tearing it into two so it only read:

Dearest Amelia,

You may know me better than I know myself, and you may have seen the darkness that taints my mind, but sentiment will be your downfall. You have no shortage of loved ones. Everyone you touch seems to love you don’t they?

Even poor Henry Knight died in your name. Did I mention that I had him killed? Oh, I killed him alright. I chopped his cold body into pieces and fed it to a dog, only fitting don’t you think? I do love symmetry.

Your world will crumble, Amelia, it’s only a matter of time. The stakes are high, Amelia dear, but how much are you willing to pay to save your friends? I have a proposal for you my dear—quite literally. Marry me, and I’ll put this all behind us.

She tucked the other half of the note into her bra, crumpling up the first part into her fist.She looked down at Sherlock’s sleeping form sadly, smiling softly at the way he seemed so innocent without the usual scowl he wore on his thin lips.

She brushed a dark curl away from his forehead gently, “What am I gonna do, Sher? It’s like we’re some sick, twisted version of Romeo and Juliet. We’re caught up in a game we can’t escape.” She sighed, her heart twinging with a gut-wrenching pain, “I’ll see you sometime, Sher, whether it be in death or life. But either way, I love you. I always have and I always will.”

She grabbed her coat and scarf from the closet and lay it on the bed, placing Sherlock’s matching ones beside them, “Something to remember me by,” Amelia whispered, “Never forget me, ‘kay? Because I sure won’t.” She bent down and kissed Sherlock’s forehead again before grabbing Sherlock’s coat and shrugging it on, engulfing her in the scent of Sherlock’s soap.

She treaded to the living room, hiding the first part of Moriarty’s note in between her seat’s cushions where she knew Sherlock would find them. He’d understand that Moriarty had played a part in Amelia’s decision, but she never wanted him to know that Amelia had done this for John…for him. Sherlock had only recently opened up his emotions to the world and she couldn’t bear to have him feel an immense amount of guilt and retreat into himself again.

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