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I felt the sharp sting of the bite on my neck. I screamed, but it was instantly shadowed by an immense wave of pleasure. It rushed from my head to my toes, and my body shook. I cried out, looping my arms around his neck.

I could feel him pulling the blood from my body. My neck tingled, and it slowly spread to my shoulder. With every drip, I felt my muscles spasm under him. My thighs trembled, pressed tightly together to feel some sort of friction between my legs.

One of his hands caressed my cheek while the other gently embraced the back of my neck. He sucked for a few seconds before I felt him pull back.

Thaddeus released me from his grasp, and his mouth found mine, invading me with his tongue. I could taste the blood on him.

I felt his hard body press against me, and could feel his excitement against my thigh. He moved from my mouth and sat up. His weight on me was light, and he stared at me with crimson eyes.

I hadn't realized I was panting and tried to steady my breath. I wasn't lightheaded like before with Nathaniel. He hadn't taken nearly as much blood.

He bit his wrist again, and held it to my mouth. It dropped with his blood, onto my gown. I tried to squirm away.

"Drink." He commanded. I shook my head.

"Ayla, you must drink. You are exhausted. And you are no good to me this way."

I scowled at him.

"Give me bread. Give me ale, but this is ridiculous." I scoffed. I tried to wriggle beneath him, but he stared at me intently, holding the blood stained skin next to my mouth.

"Why must you be so difficult?" He offered me his wrist again.

"Because I'm a prisoner." I turned away from him.

"You aren't a prisoner, I told you."

"Oh yes. I'm a mistress. So I may leave?" My tone was nearly hopeful.

"No. Drink, or I'll let Nathaniel have you." He said. I took his wrist instantly and pulled it to my face. He laughed. I trembled as I looked at the drops of red liquid hanging on his flesh. I put his skin to my mouth, and sucked.

The moment the liquid hit my lips, I was done for. It was worse than when he bit me. My body lit on fire, and I began writhing beneath him. His blood wasn't unlike the strongest ale I had tasted; sweet, burning my body as it went down. I couldn't breathe, I just wanted more.

I let go in second and turned onto my stomach. I coughed hard, fighting the urge to vomit at the thought of desiring blood. It was a mix of pleasure and disgust. My body and mind were at odds.

My body wanted to feel all of him. I wanted him inside of me. My mind hated and detested him for what he had done to me, and I felt a tear sting my cheek.

"Ayla..." his hand gently stroked my hair as I sobbed into the pillow.

"Let me go." I stammered. I couldn't look up  I couldn't look at him. I was fighting with myself.

"I'm sorry. But I can't let you go. There are things I need to know, and you know too much already." I turned to face him. My cheeks were flushed, and my eyes were puffy.

"What do you need to know? I will never tell. Who would believe me? The monsters of our fairy tales are real? I would be branded a lunatic and murdered in my bed." It was the truth. Crazy women were not met with good fates.

Thaddeus' face grew soft, and he looked at me as though he were looking at a child.

"There is so much you don't know. You came here to be my pleasure. You were brought here for me. Then, when I confirmed that you couldn't be compelled, it only raised more questions on who you are." His eyes stared off into the distance.

"I was raised an orphan. I had no loving parents, or they abandoned me. That's all I ever knew." I sat up next to him, rubbing my neck. The marks were completely gone.

"Yes that is true. And there is likely more to the story. No one has ever told me no."

"There is no more, besides being kidnapped by a demonic monster that fed me his blood. I have no family, and the only true friend I had disappeared before I even left court. I am truly alone. Just because women fawn over you, over your royalty... that doesn't mean you can never be told no." My words were hard even to myself. I missed Elizabeth so much, and I wished nothing more than to have her here. She could tell me something that would make this nightmare leave my mind.

"If I recall correctly, Mary told you a bit about our existence. I am no demon. My blood will help restore your strength. And your friend isn't far, she's only a few hours ride from here. I will have her brought here if it will make you more compliant, and stop saying no." My eyes widened at his words.

"You.. you know where Elizabeth is?" I nearly screamed.

"Yes. Nathaniel knows, anyways." He said. My eyes widened. Not him.

"Nathaniel won't be fetching her." He said almost instantly.

"Did you... did you hear what I was thinking?" I felt ridiculous asking. Thaddeus laughed.

"No, that would be absurd. But I can somewhat feel what you feel now that you've drank my blood. A part of me will always be inside of you. And whatever you feel, I can sense. Scared, in this case. I know he scares you."

"Please... I don't want to see him again. I just want Elizabeth." I flashed back to the pain from his teeth in my neck, and a shiver went down my body. Thaddeus caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. He stood and walked towards the door, pausing in the doorway.

"He will not touch you, you're mine now."

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