Let Go.

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Releasing this unedited due to being busy, hopefully it isn't too bad 😂...will edit soon.

"That's not possible." I spat as I glared at Nathaniel through my tired eyes. The black marks on his neck curled up to his jaw. They seemed to almost glisten as he became clearly enraged by either the memory or my denial of his words.

I coughed and tasted more of my own blood. I could practically feel the energy draining at my body. I wanted to look away from him, but my body was writhing with hatred.

"I killed all of them. Well, Mary helped, and Thaddeus of course... but I would love to take all the credit if you'll let me." He leaned towards me with a fierce smile. I gasped at Thaddeus' name.

"Ah yes, he has told you absolutely nothing. He wants to be your hero, because you'd hate him if you knew the truth about him." I turned my eyes away, trying to hide my reaction. I felt Nathaniel's hand on my jaw and he viscosity turned my head towards him. I tried not to wince.

"The truth, Ayla. You're going to hear it from me. I would never lie to you." He studied my face for a moment. I remained silent, anticipating another cut or his hand to begin choking me again. Instead he moved his face closer to mine.

I tried to fight or move my face but he held my head still. His face moved closer and I closed my eyes tightly shut. His lips met mine and I tried to scream but my cry was muted by his mouth on mine.

He took advantage of my opening and drove his tongue into my mouth. I gasped and I bit down, nearly tearing it off. His hand came around my throat and I gasped for air. He pulled his face away and spat out blood. His hand came down across my face again, hitting me hard and I held in a scream.

Nathaniel held his tongue out of his mouth and grunted. I took this opportunity to look around the room. More brick. Plain and empty brick walls.

I couldn't move my head, but my eyes darted towards the ceiling and over towards a charred looking staircase.

There were no windows or emanating light that I could see, the room was pitch black. I could still see everything clearly somehow. I made out the detail of the stairs and noticed soot from a past fire.

"Thaddeus isn't a cold killer. He isn't you." I whispered knowing he would hear me. He snapped his head up and moved to me in an instant.

"Thaddeus is all that and more. He was a killer before he was turned, he has been no different. He was there the night your family died. He burned down this house." He stood and pointed towards the ceiling.

"Somehow he neglected to tell me there was a baby, and somehow you lived despite the fire raging all night. I don't know what happened. I do know you weren't supposed to live. You were supposed to die with the rest of your filthy fucking hunter family." His voice quickly returned to normal as his tongue healed.

I stared at him in disbelief at his words. Surely he was wrong. I wasn't a hunter. Was I? I suppose the signs made sense. I felt stronger. And I could see these strange black marks now, that had been absent just a week ago. I felt no different, just better.

But this was Nathaniel. He loved toying with me... he loved games. He was just messing with me again and I wouldn't let him.

"Everything. Everything is a lie."

"One thing I will never do to you Ayla, is lie." His voice was back to a soft murmur. I closed my eyes and shivered as my body began to get weak.

I felt the wooden table below me sucking the heat from my body. I shivered, trying to recover some heat or energy... but I was losing both quickly.

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