Chapter 51

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Ryder's POV

As we all walk into the coffee shop, we look around for an empty table big enough for all of us.

I look around, and was surprised to see a pair of dull green eyes staring at me.

I guess everyone else saw Dawn too because they all walked over to the small table, pulling up chairs. I decided to help Beau carry the trays of food and drinks.

When I sit down, it takes everything in me not to talk to her, so I shove my face full of my sandwich instead.

I stayed quiet while everyone else acted like they we're raised with no table manners what-so-ever and talked with their mouths full. I listened to their conversation about basketball as I ate. They were all pretty into the conversation, so it surprised me when they heard Beau ask Dawn if she wanted his doughnut.

Everyone gets quiet as they wait for her answer, and it doesn't take a genius to know why.

She never eats. Or, at least, we've never seen her eat.

Even I watch and wait for her answer.

She shakes her head, but at the same time Jesse says she does. Why is he answering for her? Especially when they both have different answers?

She narrows her eyes at him, while he gives her a pleading look.

What the hell?

I look back and forth at them, then at everyone else. They all have the same what the hell is going on expression as I do. She rolls her eyes, and looks back down at her coffee.

"Dawn," Jesse says. They go back to looking at each other, but Dawn's eyes widened for a second and flicker up to all of us.

She then reaches out and takes the doughnut.

I watch her while everyone else quietly goes back to talking, but I don't miss their eyes going back to her every now and then.

She stared at the food like it was a monster before she slowly started tearing off pieces and eating it. She got about half way done when she stopped.

Her jaw slightly clenched, and she sat still for a little bit. She glanced around at everyone talking, trying to act as if she was interested.

After a few minutes, she abruptly stood up and ran to the bathrooms.

"Crap," Jesse says as he quickly stands up and runs after her.

We all sit in confusion, not really knowing what the hell is happening.

"What the hell?" Jon says out loud.

"I was thinking the same thing," I said as I stared at the bathroom door.

"Should we see if she's okay?" Jenny asks.

"No," I answer, "she has a thing about other people, other than her brother, helping her."

"And how would you know?" Becca asks me in a sassy tone.

"It's obvious," I reply as I roll my eyes, "she doesn't trust anyone but Jesse. She doesn't care about anyone but Jesse and herself. She's selfish."

I stop my angry rant when they get back, ignoring my friends staring at me in bewilderment.

Her eye's and face are red, and I suddenly get worried when I realize she probably just threw up that doughnut.

She glances up at me, and I quickly get rid of my worried expression.

"What happened?" Jenny asked.

"Um.." Jesse trails as he looks at Dawn, then back at us, "we have to go, guys. Sorry."

Without another word, or even waiting for us to say anything, they leave. We sit in silence for a few minutes.

"What on earth happened between you two?" Becca asks with a smartass attitude.

"Seriously," Jenny cuts in, "who pissed in your Cheerios?"

"Nothing," I reply.

"Did she get sick?" TJ asks.

"How the hell should we know?" Jon replies.

"Well, I mean, do you think she got sick?" TJ rephrases.

"It looked like it," Jenny replies.

"Why do you think she said no to the thing?"

"Maybe she doesn't like doughnuts."

"What if she's on a diet?"

"Maybe she's anorexic," Jon suddenly says in a rude tone. I clench my fist and ignore the overwhelming feeling of wanting to punch him.

"No-" Jenny started.

"It'd make sense," Becca interrupted. I stare at her in shock, not expecting her to side with that. She notices and shrugs.

"C'mon, Ryder, when have you ever seen her eat?" She asks me.

"She's not anorexic," I stubbornly deny. She's not. She eats. There's no way Dawn- my Dawn- does that to herself. She can't be.

"That wouldn't explain why she threw up," I try to argue.

"Dude, after so long of not eating, you have to be careful when you do," Becca says, "you can't just go a while with no food, then jump back into eating, your stomach is too weak. Especially if it's something unhealthy."

"Wait, but she doesn't look small," TJ says, "aren't anorexic people like.. boney?"

"She's not anorexic, end of discussion," I deadpan.


"End of discussion," I repeat through clenched teeth.

They drop the subject and continue eating. Then I notice a bag on the table.

"They left something," I say as I pick it up. I look inside to see a snow-globe.

"What's in it?" Beau asks me.

"A snow-globe," I reply, "I'll take it back to her later."

"You sure you can handle that, big boy?" Becca asks with, yet again, her sassy attitude and a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I live across from her, I can take it," Beau offers.

"No, I got it," I glare at Becca.

She smirks back at me.

"Don't go all asshole on her like you did when she ran to the bathroom," she says.


I park in the drive way where her dad usually parks. His truck is still at the shop, he should be getting it back within the next few days.

I grab the bag and go to the door.
After ringing the doorbell, it takes a little while for someone to answer. I was about to leave when it finally opened.

Mr. Falls stood there with an unreadable look on his face.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Falls."

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