Chapter 10

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247 reads and 32 votes!!!! I got a comment about my book that said its a good book, but it's sad. Okay, to this person, thank you for your honesty. I know its sad. But, trust me, it WILL get better. I promise! I have plans for the future chapters of this book! Lol. But, if you have any complaints or compliments or corrections you wanna tell me, just comment! Just don't be little ass holes and be all rude and be haters. If you do that, than we gonna have some problems. Okay? Okay! Just be honest, but not the bitchy kinda honest. 😋😆 Enjoy! That's Kendal⬆️

Ryder's POV

"Do you like dogs or cats?"

'I am allergic to cats, so dogs'

"Well, looks like I can't call you kitten anymore" I said, smirking.

Right now, Dawn and I are at my house, doing to project. But, this time, her brother is with her. They said that he can't go home by himself, because last time he almost burned to house down, trying to cook.

He's watching tv in the living room, while we are working on the project in my room, and asking questions because there's really no other way to do it.

(A/N: if you know of any other way for them to do this project, other than asking questions, feel free to tell me!!! To be honest, I didn't really think the project through!!!😬😬)

"Superman or Batman?" I asked

She started writing, and kept writing for a good 10 minutes.

While she was, I just stared at her. Not in a creepy way, or perverted way. I just watched the way she was so concentrated on writing one simple answer, for one one simple question. I stared at how fragile she looks. She looks as of she could break like a tooth pick. I don't understand how, though. I stared at her old stained up hoodie that she's always wearing. Literally. I've never seen her arms or even the shirts she wears under it.

Why doesn't she ever take it off?

Probably to embarrassed to show her fat arms.

My thoughts were interrupted by a paper flying into my face. I looked at Dawn, then read the paper.

'Batman because he has no powers. He makes everything from his own hands and technology. He has no super power, unlike Superman. He can die, unlike Superman. He has flaws. He does not depend on super powers to keep himself safe. He depends on himself, and his own self-trust. He doesn't get the girl at the end. He has his ups and downs. His parents were killed right in front of him, making him take responsibilities at an early age. He has flaws. He's not perfect'

I re-read it one more time, then glanced at her, then back to the paper.

Wow... she's always so deep. She has multiple reasons for all of her choices. She is always so serious. I have never, not once, seen her smile. Like, a genuine smile. I've seen her force a tiny smile, when she talked to her brother, but it's never real. Hell, I've never even seen her teeth!

I soon got a mischievous idea.

"Are you ticklish?" I asked, an evil smirk forming on my face.

She stared at me, then shook her head no, and furrowed her eyebrows together.

"I'm not sure if that's the truth or not... mind if I check?" I ask, standing up from my bed, slowly going to the spiny desk chair, smirking.

Her eyes widened, and she shot up, and ran out of the room.

I ran after her.

Jeez, she's fast! How is she so fast!

When I finally caught up to her, she was heading for the living room, where Jesse is.

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