Chapter 27 - Moth Guy

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Chapter 27 - Moth Guy

I close the door behind us and when we finally stop running I notice how wet we are. Wet and cold to the bone! As if falling to the lake wasn’t enough, it also had to rain. Typical of England!

Harry and I are both fighting to catch our breaths and we look at each other. I know he’s sorry but he has a small smile on his lips and as seconds pass, he burst out laughing and I do the same. For no good reason. We just laugh at the situation we’re in.

“I-I’m sorry,” he says still laughing and I shake my head.

“It’s okay, let’s just take off these wet clothes. I’ll get you something,” I say so I walk ahead with him following me.

The first thing I grab is some towels and hand him one. Then I lead him to the living room and turn on the hitting because even if it’s summer and it’s not cold, we are freezing to death. Fall to a lake with all your clothes on and then tell me if I’m exaggerating.

“I’ll get some of my dad’s clothes. You can take off yours and we’ll put them to dry if you want. I’ll be right back,” I tell Harry and he nods.

I turn around when he’s taking off his shoes and go to my dad’s room to grab some sweatpants and a jumper for Harry. Then I go back to the living room but when I’m there I realise I should’ve changed first and have given him a bit of time to finish removing his clothes. I almost let the clothes in my hands fall when I see him with bare feet, just in his jeans, and his shirt in his hands, dripping water to the floor.

I think I make a sound because Harry turns around and finds me gaping at him. I never realised the amount of tattoos he has. I mean, I could see some on his arms but there are so many more. Some look very detailed, like the ship and the birds, others look like doodles, which is a weird combination. But the tattoo that catches my attention the most —and what helps me not to focus on his bare torso— is the moth? On his stomach. The one Ella told me about! It’s huge and very detailed and it makes no sense.

“Oh, you’re back,” he says with a sweet smile, but I keep looking at his tattoo.

“Is… is that a moth?” I ask pointing at his tattoo. I can’t help it. “Why a moth?”

“Oh not this again!” Harry whines and I look confused. The shock of seeing him half naked completely gone. “It’s a butterfly!”

I blink in surprise taking a step closer just to take a better look. It looks like a moth. I mean, I’ve seen many butterflies and they look different. The wings are normally different. Moths look like his tattoo.

“It looks like a moth,” I mumble and he groans. “I’m sorry, that was rude. I’m sorry,” I apologise once I realise what I’m doing. And as I say that I take into notice that he’s half naked in front of me, still wet. Small drops fall from his hair to his body and slide down slowly, caressing his skin ever so softly. Suddenly I feel a lump in my throat and my tongue is heavier. “I-I-I brought… I brought you… clothes,” I stutter and look away, handing him what I brought. “S-s-sorry again.”

And with that I just turn around and walk away. Ashamed for insulting his tattoo and for being so close when he was like that. I can’t wipe the imagine from my head, and now that I’m not in front of him it’s almost as if I were paying more attention to the details. Like the way his muscles were so defined, showing he works out. Or the colour of his skin. I swallow hard and shake my head, trying to get rid of the image but it’s hard.

“Stop it, Ariel!” I scold myself and walk inside the toilet to get rid of my wet dress and underwear so I can put on something dry and warm. I focus on putting my clothes on so I don’t have to think of Harry, but it’s a bit hard. Still, I keep trying and once I’m done I dry my hair a bit with a towel before I accept I have to go back where Harry is.

Little Shy Ariel (ft. Harry Styles)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora