Durga: The Incarnation

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The new woman made her way slowly towards the shore. She looked similar to Parvati but still quite different from her.

Her wet, unbound hair stuck to her face and body, like lava flowing from a volcano. Her features had become sharper and body was tall, lithe and powerful. Her eyes were filled with fire and her lips quirked up in a smirk as she saw everyone watching her with awe. She looked like a true warrior queen.

The goddess went to the Trinity first and joined her palms in respect. The three gods smiled and blessed her. The woman then went to Indra and asked, "What is my command?" Indra just stared at her dumbfounded for a moment before coming to his senses, "We need your help, Devi. There is an Asura, Mahisha, who threatens to destroy us all.  We need you to prepare and duel him to death."

The woman nodded solemnly. "But first," Shiva said, "You have to choose a fitting mount. My mount is a fierce bull, Vishnu's is a giant eagle and Brahma's is a swan. Go to the forest and choose your mount as you wish, an animal that would symbolically represent you." "We agree," said the other gods. "Then I take your leave for sometime," the warrior woman said and disappeared.

As soon as she disappeared, the Devas began to whisper amongst themselves. "This woman, though stronger than most, might not be enough to defeat Mahisha." "I know Parvati does not look like much, but she has powers you couldn't imagine." "Mahisha is powerful. He is the king of Asuras. He has earned so much merit through penance. He has unfathomable powers. Are you sure she could defeat him on a one on one combat?" "She is Shiva's wife for a reason. She might be our best chance in defeating Mahisha."

"Let's send a messenger to Mahisha," Indra said, "And let him know to expect trouble soon." "Wouldn't it be better to catch him off guard?" asked Vishnu. "Prepared or unprepared, he is going to lose anyway," Shiva said nonchalantly. Vishnu smiled at him. Shiva had complete belief in Parvati and no doubt would ever creep in his mind about her powers.

The Deva soldiers started discussing strategies and a backup plan while the Trinity and the goddesses spoke amongst themselves. But a thundering roar shattered the noise, silencing everyone present.

She had chosen a mount. It was a lion.

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