Part 10

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Aura flipped the back cover of The Dragon Warriors closed, and it shut with a bang, spraying dust into the air. She cringed at the echo made when the book had slammed shut and looked around cautiously, even though she knew no one was there. The book hadn't turned out to be quite as much help as Aura had previously thought, especially since none if the information within the boomy was proven, but she did learn some things. The most major thing was that Dragon Warriors were almost never elemental in their powers. It was always something that didn't exist in our own world, like summoning. She also learned that they had disapered during Cassandra's time, which explained the lack of knowledge about them.

Suddenly conscious of how much time had passed she sprang from her chair and raced over to the staircase. Gazing longingly around at the room one last time she quietly made her way back up the stairs and into the regular library section. Tiptoeing around the shelves that went all the way to the ceiling she turned a corner and almost ran into someone.

"Sorry," she gasped on impulse, before slamming her hand over her mouth.

The person had already looked up though and was staring curiously at her. "Where did you come from?" He inquired.

"Just, you know, the back, not the restricted section though, haha!" She frantically answered.

"Uh, okay. My name's Janson, by the way. I'd ask for yours, but I'm guessing you're Aura?"

"Yep, that's me," she said lamely.

"Cool, I've heard about you, they say you're as good as anyone at combat, though no one will admit it," Janson responed.

"And why wouldn't I be?" She asked, fire burning in her eyes.

"Whoa, I didn't mean it like that, sorry. It's just, I'm not in your classes so I've never seen you," he amended.

"Okay, I guess I'll take your word for it," She replied, slightly skeptical.

"Thanks, you seem nice. Sorry we got off on the wrong foot, hey where's you dragon? I hear she's amazing," Janson rambled off.

Taking a minute to process what he just said Aura replied slowly, "Ohh, she's just over there, she was waiting to jump in if anything went south." Silently in her head she told Nirvana, "Come on out now, I think its okay if he meets you, he's not like the rest."

Nirvana sprang out from behind a bookshelf, landing gracefully on Aura's arm. She reachwd hee hand over and ran it across the scales on the dragon's back, making her purr in a cat-like way. Janson looked on stunned.

"Does she - I mean is she - was she always that small?" He stammerd.

"Would it matter if she was," Aura said somewhat defensively, even though he had made no attack against Nirvana's size.

"No, no! I've just never seen a dragon that small, or with her color actually," he said, then added, "I study dragon types and colors and everything like that, which is why I'm down here."

"Neat. Well, she isn't always this small. Her size changes depending on where we are and what's going on. For instance if something had went south just now, she would have jumped out much bigger, ready to attack," Aura explained to him.

"Hmm, intriguing. What's her name?" Janson asked.

"Ohh, uhh-" Aura started, before Nirvana's voice in her mind interrupted her.

"No, don't," she said, "a dragon's name is a powerful thing, so is your own for that matter, but anyone who knows a dragon's name can manipulate them with dark magic. Magic that can even break a bond between a dragon and person."

"You know, I don't think I know. Maybe I should find out, I didn't know dragons had names. I just call her uhh Helga, when I need to address her, yeah," Aura lied.

"Ohh, okay, well, I got to go now. Most of us can't carry our dragons on our shoulders and I've got to go see mine, so see you around Aura and Helga!" He called as he left the library, letting big door swinging shut behind him.

"You know what Nirvana, I think we just made a friend," Aura said as they left the library.

"Yeah, one who calls me Helga. Was that really the best name you could think up, Helga?" Nirvana responded, showing her sassy side.

"Ha, ha," Aura laughed out loud, getting a few weird looks from people in the hall for laughing at what looked like nothing.

Abandoning the conversation there Aura began the long climb to the top of the tower where her bedroom was. The door easily swung open for her and she made sure to close it tightly behind her and latch it, so none of the pesky boys could get in, before collapsing on her bed.

"I'm tired Nirvana, how about you?" Aura asked as Nirvana calmly curled herself up on her perch.

"It was a busy day as always, still I think we're settling in good, or at least as good as can be expected," she replied sleepily.

"Yeah, I, ahhhh, I agree. Unless you count the fact that almost everyone hates us and will never let us be good enough. But I guess I should have expected that. Night, Nirvana," Aura said

"I think you're forgetting something," Nirvana said.

"What do you mean?" Aura asked slowly.

"You forgot to take off your dress.
Unless you want to sleep in it?" Nirvana responded.

"Right," Aura replied, pulling herself off the bed and groggily making her way over to the wardrobe. Pulling out a silk nightgown she quickly striped off her dress and sliped into the soft nightgown, letting the cool fabric brush against her legs. Stumbling back to bed she collapsed not even bothering to pull up the covers. Her eyes had only just drifted shut when a door banged open and a woman rushed in.

"Mistress, mistress! I have - I have gotten news on the diary - come look- quick!"

A/N: Here's the next chapter. It's a teeny tiny bit shorter than usual, so sorry about that, but it's not much luckily. Anyway, I hoped everyone liked it, and if you did please just take a second to leave a vote or comment for me. What do you think of Janson, the new character? Lots and lots of love to all my supporters who continue to read this book no matter how long it take me to update, I love y'all to the moon and back! And thank you, thank you, thank you, a million times to all those who were so kind to add this book to your reading lists! I'll try and have the next chapter up in a few days so that I don't leave you hanging too long. Also if I used the pronoun "I"or "me" or anything in this and it din't make sense, so sorry, I started writing this in first person for some reason and had to go back and edit it, but could have missed something, so please comment if you caught something. Again, I love you guys so, so much and I'll see you in the next chapter! Also don't forget to go to Author's Note and vote for covers, that's still open!

Bye for now, Kat

Hey guys! I changed that last ending a little bit because I realized there was a massive plot hole involving the fact that Aura had never given anyone the diary. So, I changed it to make it make more sense. Sorry about the confusion! Love you all!

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