Part 13

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"Ugh!  I wish I could just think of the book I wanted and there it was," Aura yelled in annoyance, kicking the bookshelf in front of her, "I've been through almost this entire shelf and haven't found a single thing!"

"You almost did a couple times," Nirvana said.

"Well, yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that I never actually found anything, it's just so frustrating," Aura replied defeated.

"Hey, you can't get discouraged yet!  We still  have to go to the library with Salarah and Kalia later, there are thousands more books there, we can't not find something!" Nirvana said.

"How are you always so optimistic?  It's like you can just conjure up a silver lining for anything out of nowhere," Aura asked.

"Am I really optimistic?  Hmmm, I never realized, maybe it's because I'm young.  One of your books said that you're happier when you're young, something about nativey or naivety or-"

"Conjuring!" Aura yelled out suddenly.

"What?" Nirvana asked quizzically, quirking her head to the side and scrunching up her face in confusion.

"I've got it, I'VE GOT IT!" Aura said, still not paying attention to Nirvana's question.

"You've got what, chicken pox, measles, cookies?  If it's cookies give me some," Nirvana said.

"No, the answer.  I've got it, I figured the riddle out," Aura said.

"Would you possibly care to share that answer with me," Nirvana inquired.

"Conjuring, it's so simple.  We have to get to the library," Aura replied.

"Conjuring?" Nirvana asked, testing out the word.

"Yes, the power to, to summon things, I guess is the best way to explain it.  But they, conjurers, can also put things somewhere, store them in this place kind of.  Oh, I don't know exactly, this is why we must visit the library," Aura said, gathering up Nirvana onto her shoulder and closing the door to the room behind her.

"You know we're not meeting Kalia and Salarah yet right?  They still haven't sent that note," Nirvana said.

"I know, I have to do some research first, have to make sure my lead with the conjuring is right," Aura responded.

"Okay," Nirvana said as Aura raced down the stairs and sharply turned the corner at the bottom, taking off down one of the passages. 

Aura continued to rush down different corridors and passages, Nirvana clinging tightly to her shoulder to keep from flying off.  Not slowing down Aura ducked behind a tapestry that concealed a secret passage.  They had discovered the passage when one of the boys had tripped Aura and while she was on the ground she noticed that the tapestry gave into her push rather than staying firm against the wall.  It wasn't a long passage, but taking it meant she didn't have to pass in front of the courtyard where all the other cadets were spending their day off.

"Can I ask why the rush," Nirvana said.

"I've only got one day off a week, that means if I don't find what I need today I only have my evenings, which also include homework, to figure everything out until this day next week," Aura explained.

"Okay, that's fair, but could we maybe slow down just a little, so I don't end up falling off and becoming a Nirvana-pancake."

"Oh, yeah, sorry," Aura said sheepishly, "we're almost there anyway."  

Just as she spoke they rounded a corner and the grand wooden doors of the library were before them.  Reaching out Aura grasped the iron handle of one door and tugged it open, cringing at the squeal of the hinges as the door creaked open.  Slipping inside Aura let the door close behind her with a whoosh and a small explosion of dust.

"Maybe Kasha or Salarah can help us get rid of the dust," Aura said, waving some away from her face and coughing.

"And maybe they could help with the hinges too, there has to be something that would make them not squeak," Nirvana said hopefully.

"Alright, upper level of library, also known as the banned section since the front part is useless, or secret lower level," Aura asked.

"Upper level I guess, that lower level creeps me out, so let's only go down there if we have to," Nirvana said.

"We'll probably have to go to that lower level you know, but we can start up here," Aura responded.


"Because you said you wanted to start on the upper level?" Aura half said, half asked.

"No, why must we go down to that lower level," Nirvana clarified.

"Oh, because that's where all the very classified and most accurate information is kept it would seem, and we're going to need the best information available on this conjuring thing if my suspicions are right.  The dragon riders' lies won't do."

"Let's get started then," Nirvana said.

"Already ahead of you," Aura said, beckoning to a pile of books she'd been gathering while they'd talked, "Let's start with this one, What is Conjuring: A Complete Guide to Conjuring and it's Properties.  Alright, here's the introduction and some stuff about the author, a bunch of dedications, jeez how much of the book did this guy actually write, there's like 50 people here-"

"Are you almost to the first chapter, remember we have limited time, or at least the girl racing through the hallways earlier did," Nirvana interrupted.

"Okay, got it.  Your sarcasm is not appreciated.  Anyway, Chapter One: A Definition of Conjuring, 'Conjuring is one of the many mystic arts.  The only ones known to wield it were very powerful witches and the first dragon rider themself-"

"Won't even mention Cassandra's name, how ridiculous," Nirvana interjected, then noticing Aura's glare, "sorry, I interrupted again, I really need to work on that.  Please, go on."

"Thank you, now where was I, oh yes here, okay, 'Conjuring is the ability to send  objects into and retrieve them from "the void" as it has been described.  "The void"  is, according to conjurers, a type of second dimension that lies right alongside the fabric of our own universe and is intertwined with it.  It is only accessible through the mind and  only conjurers and teleporters have the ability to use their mind to access it.  Conjurers take objects and embed them into the fabric of this second dimension..." Aura said taking a breath and continuing to read.

A/N: Hello beautiful little butterflies!  I am back with a new update and the results of the cover contest.  Before we get to those results however there are a couple of other things we need to go over. 1. I know I said I would update twice a month and that i failed with that this month and that I failed with that this month, my only excuse is that I believed the last update was in May and not April.  I promise though that I will get onto that schedule this upcoming month.  2. There has been a lot of confusion over the Heaven/Nirvana name change.  To reiterate (since I know name changes can throw people off) the dragon's name is Nirvana, it was originally Heaven and then i changed it so now it is Nirvana.  And i am working on making that consistent in the whole story.  Now, let's get to the only reason you're probably reading this.  The winner of the cover contest is:

So, congratulations to @precariousdreams for creating the winning cover!  Virtual cookies for you! It is beautiful and I love it!  Now, for my final thing, I made this chapter very dialogue heavy, yay or nay?  Please, please tell me, i would love ...

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So, congratulations to @precariousdreams for creating the winning cover!  Virtual cookies for you! It is beautiful and I love it!  Now, for my final thing, I made this chapter very dialogue heavy, yay or nay?  Please, please tell me, i would love some input on what you guys like.  Sorry for the very long author's note, but we're done now.  Have a great day and I love you all to the moon and back and back to the moon again!

Bye for now, Kat

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