Chapter Six

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Hades' POV

This woman was overwhelming. Hades thought to himself as he beheld the beautiful creature infront of him. Three hundred years of waiting for her, as soon as she became of age, he immediately found her and watched and protected her. He tortured himself watching her develop feelings for other men, watched as they made her smile and cry. He had fallen in love with her the day he set eyes on her. With each day that passed, he fell for her over and over again. Even if she didn't know he existed.

And now she was in front of him. The years spent alone was nothing short of excruciating torture as loneliness settled itself deep into his heart. The years he spent watching people suffer for their crimes, the guilt and hatred he directed to himself for being responsible for it.

It was all worth it. She was here with him now. The very woman who comforted his hardships. The face he thought of every night when he closed his eyes and every morning when he opened them again.

"Good evening." She said quietly whilst looking at the floor. It took everything within him to not kiss her again. Hades found himself at a loss for words, his mouth went dry and his heart leaped in his chest.

She was breathtaking. The scent of roses and amber flooded his senses.

Have patience, he told himself, you're scaring her.

"Good evening my Lady," he was a little bothered that she was staring at the floor. Reaching his hand out, his fingers came under her chin and lift her face to look at him. "You look beautiful."

She blinked at him in surprise. Hades leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her forehead before pulling away.

Victoria's POV

Victoria was perplexed as she walked down the dimly lit hallways with Hades. One minute he was rough and impatient and scary, the next he was soft and caring and concerned for her wellbeing.

You look beautiful. Victoria blushed as she remembered what he had said. As they walked to together, she watched him from the corner of her eye.

The King wasn't dressed particularly fancy. Dressed in a simple black tunic and trousers, it was simple yet practical. She blushed at the sight of his muscles straining his shirt. The thickness of his arm was the size of her head, and ropey muscles and veins trailed along his arms and disappeared under the sleeves.

Victoria still couldn't get used to how tall he was. Now that he wasn't wearing his armour, she could see that yes, he was covered in muscle. His shoulders were broad and seemed to effortlessly tower over everyone he walked past.

"Is the jewellery to your liking?" He asked, she nearly trembled at his touch when she felt his hand on the small of her back.

She nodded, looking up at him. His gaze was soft.

"I never got to thank you for them." She fiddled with her necklace. "They're beautiful."

He turned away, his other hand scratched the back of his neck. His ears turned pink.

"I'm...uh...glad." He cleared his throat. Victoria smiled inwardly to herself.

The smell of food wafted down the corridor and she realised how hungry she was. Familiarising herself with a place completely new to her, realising that the Greek Gods of ancient mythology were real and then finding out that she was intended to be the wife of the God of the Underworld. No wonder she forgot to eat.

They stopped a few steps outside the dining hall. She could hear voices and laughter echoing from behind the doorway.

"My Lady." Hades faced her, "I would like to formally apologise for my behaviour earlier today. My words were not kind and my actions rude."

This was not the same man that exuded terror and fury hours ago.

"Um.." Words disappeared from her tongue as he lifted her hand and kissed it. Warmth radiated from his lips. Her breath caught at the tenderness he showed. Her hand flipped around in his and he kissed each fingertip softly whilst looking into her eyes. "It's okay." She murmured.

His gaze dropped to her palm, and hardened.

"Who did this to you?" He demanded, grabbing her other hand and stared at the red marks made from carrying the bucket of water earlier. "When did this happen?" He looked around them as if the culprit was near them. Hades cursed under his breath and met her eyes again. "I'll kill the son of a bitch who did this to you." He hissed, promising her justice whilst his eyes bore into hers.

"Nobody did this to me!" Victoria protested, eyes wide at his words. "A maid injured herself and I helped her carry a bucket of water so she wouldn't get hurt any further."

Hades' lightly brushed against the red marks on her palm.

"You were carrying out a servants duties?!" He stared at her, bewildered. She nodded, head bowed in reaction to his raised voice. He let her go and ran a hand through his hair. A mirthless chuckle came out of his mouth. Victoria flinched.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, "it won't happen again."

He sighed and lifted her injured hand again. Victoria watched, it was nearly twice the size of hers and seemed to engulf hers completely.

"Bring me some ointment and a bandage." He commanded one of the servants leaving the hall. The bowed and immediately scurried off. "You don't need to apologise to me. You can do whatever you like, just try not to hurt yourself."

The servant returned with the ointment and a linen bandage. Hades took it and carefully applied it to her hand with great care. Victoria watched in awe. The God of the Underworld was standing in front of her, diligently applying a cooling salve to her palm before wrapping it carefully with the linen bandage.

Victoria blushed furiously. Praying that he couldn't feel her racing heartbeat through her skin.

"Come on," he placed his hand on her lower back and directed her towards the door, "let's eat."



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