Chapter Nine

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Victoria was ashamed to say that she took a long time to wake up. Before she even opened her eyes, her head throbbed in considerable pain.

She could feel her bare skin against the soft bedsheets as she turned to her side and saw the evening gown she had worn the previous night, it had pooled on the floor in a puddle of emerald and crimson.

At the sight, the previous night's memories seeped into her mind.

"Oh no." Victoria groaned. As if the hangover wasn't bad enough, her behaviour was even worse. The way she freely talked with the gods and goddesses last night made her want to burrow herself in her bed. The memory of Hades' displeasure at her drunkenness, how he'd left her room as quickly as possible as if he didn't want to stay for a moment longer.

She sat up, grabbing the blanket and wrapped it over her body, covering her head. She sat there wallowing in her self pity and embarrassment.

There was a knock on the door, one of the maids asking if she was awake if if she could come in. Victoria allowed them in.

"Good morning my lady!" Edith chirped. Victoria offered her a half smile before continuing to stare at the light cast on the floor from the skylight.

For some ridiculous reason, the thought of Hades being disgusted or put off by her made her stomach turn.

She gagged, feeling vomit rise to her throat. The acidic taste of bile and wine filled her mouth.

The maids immediately rushed to her aid with a bucket, stroking her hair and back, murmuring words of comfort as tears brimmed in her eyes.

Inhaling deep breaths, Victoria did everything in her power to not make a fool out herself in front of her newly acquainted friends. Instead, she took sips of water to wash away the bad taste in her mouth.

"My Lady," Alexandra whispered, "maybe it's best you stay in bed today. I can alert the staff and inform them that you are unwell and not to be disturbed."

Victoria nodded, setting the glass down and began removing the jewellery that she had forgotten to take off before she fell asleep.

Her maids rushed out of the room and came back with another wooden bathtub, soon the room began to fill with the smell of mint.

Victoria carefully stripped down and tied her hair up into a ponytail, setting any piece of jewellery down on the table that was in her hair.

She spent a while soaking in the bath, playing with the rose petals as her mood sank lower and lower. The Hades she had seen, the one that escorted her to the dining hall, the one who fed her, warmed her with his cloak. Victoria was terrified at how natural it all seemed, terrified that she had started caring for him.

With that thought, she sank lower into her bath, blowing bubbles under the water with her mouth.

It might just be an act, she thought to herself as she recalled his expressionless face. Maybe he's just pretending to care about me because of the knowledge that we're destined to be together.

She couldn't deny the possibility. There was nobody she could speak to in this unfamiliar world. Back in the mortal realm, she had friends. But they would probably think she had gone crazy if she told them her situation.

And Calum.

Now that her heart wasn't swept up in the exhilaration of Hades' attention, she realised how she had left behind the last person she had felt comfortable around. It was tiring, being constantly on guard and wary of the place she existed in.

Embrace it, a feeling rushed and overcame her, they say it's your home now. Maybe it's time you stop being wary of everything and trust a little more.

Trust? How could she trust anything in this world?

She sat there in the bath, weighing her thoughts and recounted how she saw her life changing the day Hermes appeared at her apartment. 

Victoria had never felt more alone.

The maids were aware of her black mood when they re-entered her chambers. They gently scrubbed down her body and lathered her in oils that smelled of herbs and flora. She sat at the table whilst the maids cleaned and removed the tub from her room. She wore a long navy gown that had silver embroidery lining the seams and edges, the hem of her short sleeves, the deep and narrow V-shaped neckline and up to her high-rise collar that nearly touched her jawline. A thick fox fur shawl engulfed her in warmth.

"Would my lady like any food?" Alexandra asked timidly, "the kitchen would happily make her something to eat."

Victoria shook her head, slipping her feet into the black leather shoes that Orla had set out for her.

"No, thank you Alexandra. I think I'd like to get some fresh air."

"But my lady is ill!" Edith exclaimed, "sure she must rest!"

Victoria grinned dryly at her.

"Not ill Edith, just hungover." She tightened the shawl around her, "Can we go outside? I'd love some fresh air."


Victoria found herself in a beautifully landscaped garden. Daisies and dandelions decorated the grass and the sound of fountains soothed her mind greatly. She didn't feel so cooped up as she stared at the plants in awe.

Huge ferns grew taller than her. There seemed to be a million different species plants and flowers growing in the garden. She sat on a bench nearby and closed her eyes, listening to her surroundings in peace.

Nature had always comforted Victoria. As a child, she remebered running around in the countryside. The rolling hills, being surround by greenery and bodies of water were familiar.

At least this garden was a mini version of it, she thought wryly to herself, doubting that she would ever see those rolling hills ever again.

Athena was right. Victoria recalled her words at the feast. She tried to remember the same feeling she felt when saving up for her small house in mountains. Tried to remember the excitement that would form at the pit of her stomach, the constant stream of ideas for decorating.

Frowning, she realised that none of her old feelings would come up. That her dream felt dead and uninspiring.

The image of Hades sitting on his throne came up in her mind.

I don't want to depend on him.

Victoria remembered how it felt when her heart opened up for him. With trembling fingers, she closed it again and bent forward, leaning her head in her hands.

Her maids watched anxiously from afar.

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