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As some of you are aware, I've created an admin type book thing. I simply called it "Jykuarak2". Check it out if you want, it's simply a place where I can organise myself, post updates so that I do not have author note chapters in the middle of my story. If you have any questions, I'd prefer it if you asked them over there, because then it's more organised and I don't have to constantly go back and forth from one story to another, because all questions will be in one place. Thanks.

Also, people have been commenting, saying that Temari and Naruto have had a son, and that it's implied. I'm sorry that's just really confusing me right now. Maybe people took the "product of Naruto" part to mean baby, but that doesn't necessarily mean that. Oh well. But I guess some speculation is to be expected. And I won't confirm or deny any of these speculations. Because (a) if it is true, then it ruins the story, and (b) if it is false, then there is one less speculation and then the mystery is one step closer towards being solved. Meh, enough about me, I did say that the new 'admin' book was supposed to remove these mid story author notes, or at least keep them to a bare minimum.


Team Kakashi, Team Guy, Team Kurenai and Team Asuma continued to walk down the road. They had been sent on a mission to discover whatever it was that could reverse the petrification on Prince Naruto and the rest of the Uzumaki clan. They were all talking, speculating, except for Kiba. Akamaru sensed the depression that his master was in and hung back with him, providing as much support as he could. Kiba himself was feeling worse than he had the last time, when Karin was forced to leave. They'd found each other, gave themselves completely and utterly to the other, and now he had lost her again. Kiba felt tears roll down his face for the umpteenth time as he continued to walk.


"Takamatsu?" Temari called out. "Takamatsu!" Her loud voice echoed around the mansion, and very soon, she heard the footsteps of her son approaching her. Upon reaching her, Temari ruffled his hair.
"I know, you've been asking a lot of questions, even to Uncle Gaara. And maybe it's best if I just answer them." Temari said. She placed her hand on the sofa next to her and patted it.
"Sit here and let me tell you about your father..."


"Temari!" Gaara shouted. The blond looked at him. Gone were the laughing, slightly teasing and mocking look in her eyes. They'd lost their light ever since that day in Konoha. It had been replaced with a cold, calculating look. Even Gaara and Kankuro could seldom read her now. She'd become a complete stranger to them both.
"I need you to retrieve an injured sand Chunin." Gaara said. Temari rolled her eyes.
"Fine. Tell me where to go, what his name is, and what he looks like."
"His name is Takoyama. He's a tall blond male. He was returning from a mission when bandits ambushed him. He killed them all in a bloody battle, but he's too wounded to move so he's sent his wounded, but not as severely wounded comrade back. He's recovering in hospital, so we need you to find him. This is his exact location." Gaara handed Temari a piece of a paper. She read it, and then frowned.
"Then I'll leave immediately."

Temari could see a shadow lying by a rock. She was there.
"Takoyama!" She yelled out as she closed in. She saw the figure move slightly in response. When she reached him, she gasped. He was covered in blood, cuts of all sizes ranging across his body, his tattered Chunin vest lay beside him, and his clothes weren't any better.
"Hold still." Temari said as she uncapped her canteen of water and used it to gently wash his face, wetting his lips so that he could drink slowly. As she washed away the blood and sand, she noticed that his hair was indeed blond. He had blue eyes, and the way they dazzled as he looked at her reminded her of Naruto.
"A-are you an angel?" He croaked out, causing Temari's eyes to widened before she silenced him.
"Be quiet." It didn't matter whether she said that or not, because he fainted immediately after that. As she cradled his head and slowly poured some water into his mouth, she sighed.

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