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Empty space was where we were
Stranded, lost, disoriented
Lured to the depths of Oblivion
We were led astray;

How fitting of an encounter we had,
Sunken souls and broken fragments clash
To thwart was my intention
But Curiosity,
Just had to have it's way

A glance was all it took though
Conventional feelings bubbling,
Somehow, your fragments fitted mine
And mine, yours

Twin souls, is that it?
Alternate worlds, what a far cry
But stop.
This isn't a mirror I'm looking at,
Stretch your hands and I stretch mine
No, we're not the same

There is something though,
That's pulling us together
Gravity? No, it's something magnetic,
Like North and South attracted to each other

Warmth tingles down my outstretched hand,
Your fingers already tangled in mine
What's with that smile?
So reassuring, as if we're fleeing from this dormant lair

But this time, hesitation doesn't stop me
And off we streak away, your bells of laughter arousing mine
There's no turning back, no more

And what a feat it was,
Spiralling towards the Extraterrestrial;
But that's another story to tell


Hi Hi! Glo here, once again. So basically, this is a reply to a certain someone's beautiful writing, okay fine Imma mention her,
Dedicated to Truant_evangie7
Not much of flair in it but just a few random opinions xD
Thanks for viewing it and loooots of cupcakes and muffins to you~

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