Pitch Black

45 7 3

Cloaked in the darkest of shadows, palpitating muscle beating a rhythm of its own, steely determination ever present in those cruel onyx eyes,  A vision of blood red.

His body cold and still,  but with a stance of overruled fury brimming to lash out if provoked. He roved through the night,  finding helpless victims  seizing, capturing, massacring.

What is mercy,  what is compassion,  what is love?

He refuses to acknowledge such weakness.
"Because once you do,  it's a spiral down to self-destruction. "

Darkness is my only salvation.


A/N: back with much emo and angst. 💆
Ajajajajajja,  next one will be lighter. Stay tuned!  ;')

-love 💕💕,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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