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The first day back for senior year isn't really that bad. Not if Chris honestly mulls it over. Yes, some people are giving him a rather wide berth because of things that happened last year. Things he was accused of but had nothing to do with. Things that he may have done or had done to him. He doesn't want the special treatment so he mainly just ignores the few stares he gets.

His last class before lunch is Chemistry 2 with Ms Gerber. A quick glance around the room solidifies it, this class is bound to be difficult. Some of the smartest people in his grade are here, already pairing off at tables. Eyes downcast, Chris moves to an empty lab table, two books sitting there waiting for their new owners. He takes the inside seat, setting down the rest of his books as he begins to flip through the text in an effort to refamiliarize himself with the subject at hand.

A pile of books in set down beside him as someone eases into the empty seat.  Chris looks up curiously at who would choose to be his partner, seeing as almost everyone but Matt and Cam tend to think him still a bit of a social pariah.  His eyes lock on his new table mate, instantly he's a blushing mess.  Quickly he lets his gaze fall back to the book in front of him as the girl smiles at him.

Natalie is very confused by Chris's reaction.  She taps his arm with her pencil, trying to get his attention.  Shyly he looks back up.  She smiles and wrinkles her nose up at him as he breaks from his shell if only momentarily.


"Fancy meeting you here."

He laughs softly but before he can give a proper response the bell rings signaling the start of class. Ms Gerber bustles up to the front of the room, a smaller, round woman dressed on varying shades of browns and reds. Her steel grey hair wound in a bun on the top of her head, glasses perched on the bridge of her nose.  She settles her stern eyes on the classroom, rattling everyone with a sinister grin.  "Well children, I hope you have chosen your seats well.  Please fill your names in on the seating chart that is being passed around.  Your table mate will be your lab partner for the duration of the year.  Hopefully you will have ample chemistry with each other."

She giggles at her own lame attempt at a joke as she heads to her desk, going over the proposed syllabus for the year. Chris blanches some when he realizes the implications of their seat choices.

Before long the sign in sheet lands at their table, Natalie hastily scribbling her name in before she slides it in front of Chris, nudging his arm slightly. He tears his eyes away from the teacher at the head of the class to look over at her with a raised eyebrow and questioning expression. She rolls her eyes and motions to the paper in front of him with her pencil. Only then does he look down and notice it.

Reluctantly he picks up his own pencil, quickly scanning the sheet for their table. And in black and white is her name, written in graceful swoops.

Natalie Morales.

Hmm...  he already knew her first name from their meeting at the lockers this morning but this is the first time he gets a complete package.  A pretty name for a pretty girl.

Chris sighs contently then instantly catches himself. Cheeks heating up in a soft blush. He's letting himself do what he swore he wouldn't, get wrapped up thinking about a girl he doesn't even know.  Again. Chris bites his lip and glances at her quickly, she's looking back at him.  Small smile.  "Chris, you forget your name??"

That does it, that one playful, teasing comment breaks him out of his own thoughts.  Out of his head.  And he puts his pencil to paper, jotting down his own name in the blank space beside hers in the seating chart.

Christopher Stewart.

Paper in hand he turns some in his seat, passing it to the table behind theirs.

The rest of the class goes better than expected. He keeps glancing at the girl beside him out of the corner of his eyes, trying not to be so glaringly obvious about it.  Natalie's eyes are on the teacher at the front of the class, jotting down notes about what the class will hold this year.  Pencil poised above her paper, waiting to write down more notes she notices what feel like eyes on her.  Quick turn of her head confirms it as Chris immediately pulls his eyes down to his notebook in front of him, soft blush on her cheeks.

She giggles to herself as the bell rings signaling the end of the class.

Both gathering up their belongings, Natalie whispers to Chris as they head to the door. "Um, I have lunch now. What about you??" He nods in reply as they head down the hallway, Natalie trailing him back towards their lockers. Chris stops, opening his locker and depositing his books inside. Natalie is biting her lip as she does the same thing, debating whether or not she should ask the question currently taking up prime residency in her mind.

When he shuts his locker and goes to turn away it shakes Natalie out of her own head. Quickly she shoves her books in and rushes after him down the hallway.

"Chris! Chris!!"

He looks back to see the short, strawberry blonde girl following after him. Her calls are attracting attention so he stops, letting her catch up. Breathless, she tries again, touching his arm when she reaches him. Purposefully ignoring the tingling sensations of touching his skin. "Um, well, since we both have lunch now, I was wondering if I could sit with you Chris. Since I'm new and all, you're the only one I kind of know here...."

Her words trail off as he looks at her face, she looks embarrassed, shy, bashful. Other students are flowing past them in the hallway. Small smile, hesitant. "Well, I usually sit with Cam and Matt but there should be empty spots there. They're nice guys, would you mind?" She shakes her head, snaking her arm through his, hand resting on his arm. "I don't mind. If you say they're nice. Lead the way Mr Stewart."

Chris can't help the slight blush on his cheeks as they walk together towards the cafeteria.

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