Le secret (day 1)

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The Light was hurting my eyes.

After our little gasp of Horror. Because there was a twilight poster. It got real bright. Then it looked like we were in a patch of wild flowers on earth in spring. There was Nymphs,Dryads,Sayters,And a few hot Niaids.

Gosh if I wasent homesick, I sure was now. I saw a beach. My favorite. Montauk.

Sheesh. Way to rub it in someone's face.

Then the image flickered. We were back in the underworld. Hades typing on a Mortal thing hooked up to a box. Pocket size. It was code. He typed a bit more before he put his hands up walked away. He went to the other side of the room where Zues was Figiting with a ruby.

These were Hera's Favorite.

He stuck the ruby in his pocket.

Hades brought out some Aqua colored Gems. He started figiting with them and actually melted one. He poured the melted Topaz in a ring mold. He had 2 very small rubys. And other Tiny little gems. Bout half an hour later he took out the ring..Wow. It looked like it was made of glass. He started to place the stones in Order. It was like 💎 Persephone 💎(with ruby's though) and he bent the metal clasps down. He took a thin Pencil like thing that was in fire and engraved something. I saw that it said Your the reason I smile every day. Sappy. Who took my Brother,Hades Lord of the dead for a sap? Not me. He smiled at the ring. I room out my Ω-Phone I snapped a picture for inspiration later. Zeus walked over and frowned

Is it made of glass?

Toapaz. He melted it.

Wow..I need to know where he gets his ideas.


I looked around. There was a stack of gifts..all for Persephone. I felt my inner Aphrodite come out

Awww that's so sweet

"HADES!" I herd an unlikable screetvh.I turned around to see Aphrodite.

"How are you such a good husband? I mean I would kill for Ares to do this..."

"Uhh. No. Not Ares. Your Husband might but he knows you hate him so...yeah. Anyone he thinks cares about him he makes stuff for."

Aphrodite looked Genuinely hurt.

"But....I do care about him....A lot."

He turned around. "Then show it."

"Help me."

"fine. What?"

"Uh how about a really good hammer?" she sounded really in sure. But Hades knew what to do.

"1 Hour. But He will know I made it so do as I say ok?


He put a block of Obsidion under a picture of a Person. He put pimples all over.. In a hammer shapped thing.

"Pop Pimples with this." he Hades her a metal thing. She got it first try.

"Here.Hold" he concentrated. The hammer thing got smaller with a place for a Handel. "Wrap it." she. Wrapped the super soft cloth around it.she used super glue to make it stay.

"Now dip this end in Gold" He pointed to the teeth of the hammer. She did as she was told. "Volia.Now just sign it." He said.


"Use magic..just beless it"

"I think I get it." she closed her eyes and the hammer glowed pink. For a minute then went out. "Now give it to Hephestus." She nodded and left.

I zapped to my room to crash because. Why not? I in nearly fell asleep

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