Carnival, Photo Booth, Tony, and penis talk

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"Get up assholes, I'm tired of moping around in this goddamn facility, I want to go to the carnival!?" I shouted while running down the halls, and into the common room. "My body craves sustenance, and revelry!" I gave a mock gasp and brought my hand to my heart, and drastically fell across Sam and Steve as they sat on the couch. Most of the Avengers laughed, Nat, Clint, Wanda, Bucky, but Bruce and Tony scoffed, and shook their heads no.
"You know, I could give you both of those, like right now?" Sam laughed, pushing my body of his lap, but Cap caught me before I fell.
"Pffff, and I tell you everytime I catch you and Bucky staring at my ass, neither of you can h..a..nd..le.. this," I mocked, snapping my fingers in a Z form. "You'd guys would end up crying, and have Cap or Thor come rescue you." I lightly kissed Steve's cheek and leaped off his lap, making him blush. "Besides I don't think you're new girlfriend would appreciate that, shame on you." I jumped onto Thor's back, "REVELRY THOR! CORN DOGS! FUNNEL CAKE! BEER! RIDES!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I pulled on Thor's cape and ushered him forward, "onward my noble steed!"
"Are you on crack?" Tony asked, titling his head and looking over my face. "Or did you eat all that candy you bought yesterday?"
"How can you have so much energy? You're closer to Nat's age, but even she gets tired, and needs sleep." Bruce questioned, giving me the same look Tony was.
"Uh Lady (y/n), I am a god, not a noble steed, but if you wish, I will take you to this carnival you speak of." Thor replied, reaching back and patting my thighs.
"Hey I never said we wouldn't take you?" Sam quipped, getting up off the couch. "I'm sure Andy wouldn't mind joining us."
"You know what, we'll all go," Steve stated, looking around the room, "consider it a team building exercise, along with a way to get (y/n) to actually take a full breath."
"Yah, I'm good," Tony snorted, getting up and heading to his lab, Bruce began to follow closely behind him.
"FRIDAY, can you enact the protocols I came up with, and lock down the lab." I ordered, slipping off Thor and crossing my arms over my chest. The sky outside darkened, and the air cooled inside the room. "You're both going, if I have to drag your bodies, kicking and screaming." I spread my fingers and let the wind lift me a few feet off the ground.
"Protocols are enabled, sorry boss." FRIDAY sighed.
"The fact that Steve and Natasha gave you a gun, still dumbfounds me," Tony snapped, meeting my gaze, unafraid of my small windstorm. I sniffed, and dropped down to the ground.
"It's because I'm awesome, and you know it! I'm you're sunshine, and when you piss me off, I can be your hell. So just for the day, let's have some sunshine," I jested, batting my long eyelashes, and tilting my head, "please Tony, will you take me to the carnival?"
"(Y/n), why do you need me to go, I hate those things?" He asked, but I could tell he was starting to cave at my demands. "And you do know you're almost thirty right, not a child? You're a little old to be throwing a tantrum."
"That I did know, and since you reminded me just how fucked up my childhood actually was, I'll tell you why I want you to go," I paused, calming my raging heartbeat, hoping to still the storm that began to beat against the facility. "One because you're my favorite person in the whole world, sorry Cap, Wanda, Nat, Bucky, second, because I kinda adore you, and last but not least," I winked at Natasha, and stuck out my bottom lip, "you have all the money." I said lightly, sensing the storm lifting almost as fast at it came.
Sam and Clint burst with laughter, while a small smile spread over Tony's face. "I'm sorry hon, but we really need to stop spoiling you, this is getting ridiculous, you're ridiculous!" He tried to sound angry, but real laughter tumbled over his words.

"Ahh, c'mon you know I need to get out of this place every once in awhile, it makes me antsy.. I just, I want to see some real sunshine, and clouds, not something I'm responsible for, okay?" I lamented, letting my shoulders droop a bit.
"Oh no no, don't do that, I'll go, we'll all go..just don't start pouting.." Tony said, quickly walking towards me and wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "The last time you got upset, I bought you that pickup, which I still think is too much truck for someone who weighs 150 lbs."
"You know, you're probably right, you do spoil me, but I look amazing driving it," I snickered, "so, everyone has 20 minutes to get ready, and meet downstairs! So excited." I ran to my room, and slipped on a pair of jeans, a black ribbed tank and my leather jacket.


I took a seat on my bed, and tried to relax my eager body. I layed back and stared up at the ceiling, silently thanking the gods for the team I was now a part of, and even though I had only been with them over two years going on three now, they all cared for me and made my life worth living, just as much as I cared for them, all of them, especially Tony.

About four years ago, right after the Avengers big blowout, Steve and his side of the team began to fight their own battles while they hid out in Wakanda. It was on one of those missions, Steve and Nat found me, fighting for the wrong side, well the only side I knew at the time, and slowly losing myself to what I was doing. I was more or less a mercenary, a guerilla, fighting down in the jungles of Sierra Leon with some awol American military and ex-CIA agents, yet I wasn't just an unhappy, half crazed soldier. I happened to be an unknown mutant, not only to the world, but too myself. As I said, I didn't really know at the time what was wrong with me, besides the shitty upbringing, my stark white hair, uncanny bright purple eyes, and the forced military training, but I knew a long time ago I wasn't right.
I first noticed something strange, besides my abysmal upbringing, when I turned fourteen, and I had been beaten by my awol-marine stepfather, within an inch of my life. No one came to save me, the only thing that saved me was a freak storm, which had been gathering and raging while I was beaten. A rogue lightening strike slammed into my stepfather and killed him on the spot, but left me untouched.
Then from my small home in some backwoods cabin in Utah, I was then taken to Africa, but the freak storms and weather changes, followed. As I got older and my rage became more astute, tornados and hurricanes began to destroy homes and cause detrimental destruction in areas where storms like that were never seen, or expected. Freak ice storms, and snow storms would bury the people around me when I was sad, or needy, and when I was happy, the weather would rival the greatest day, even the air would permeate with the smell of strawberries or lavender.
I never put my moods down as a reason for the strange changes in the weather, and neither did most of the men around me, well, some of them did, but when Steve and Nat ran across me, it didn't take long for their speeches, and kind smiles, to work and bring me along with then, only to later inform me about what I was.
T'Challa called me a weather goddess, or weather witch, much like his ex-wife Storm. There were only two of us on the planet, as of now.
After about a year, Steve, along with the rest of the team, rejoined the Avengers. It was there, I spent much of my time training my powers, gaining control, and actually fighting with them, but in the events of boredom, depression, even loneliness, my moods would still dramatically effect the weather overhead. I never begrudged my powers, they had inadvertently saved me, more times than I could count, and it was kinda cool, to be able to fly on wind currents, call down snow when I wanted it, or electrocute the bad guys with lightening.
In that short amount of time I fell utterly in love with my new family, and did everything they asked. They took me in, and gave me a life, a real one, not one full of broken bodies, screaming and fire, but one of laughter, hugs, Christmas's, and real food. These people were my friends and I loved all of them so much.

"You ready to go stormchaser?" Steve called out from behind the door, pulling me from the past. "You okay? It got cloudy and cold all of a sudden?"
"Yah, I'm fine Steve," I answered, throwing open my door, and running past him, and his tight t-shirt. "Let's go old man! I want to ride the Ferris wheel!"


"Doll, I'll never understand where you put all that food?" Bucky laughed, taking some cheese fries off my plate. "You and Wanda haven't stopped eating since we got here."
"So...? And it all goes to my ass and hips," I retorted, giggling when he choked on a fry. "Hence why I've caught you and Sam, I think I've even caught Tony, staring at my ass, especially when I'm in my yoga pants."
"Honey, sometimes a man can't help it, not even metal head," he mustered, quickly kissing my cheek and heading towards Sam and Cap, while they threw baseball's at cans.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, reveling in the warm sun hitting my face, and the smell of fried food and popcorn. Bucky's kiss on my cheek, and Tony's warm hand when he pulled me towards his own car earlier, instead of letting me drive, resonated in my chest. I never knew people actually lived like this, actually liked the people they fought beside. I understood loyalty, but growing up as I did, there was no honor in that loyalty. That loyalty was usually bought with fear and death, not love and protection. On most days I just wanted to lose myself in all of them, there smells and warmth.
"You okay?" Wanda asked, sitting down next to me, and taking my fries.
"Yes, I'm just happy," I sighed, handing her my coke too.
"But?" She observed, giving me a smile.
I gave her a toothy grin and looked back at Bucky now vying Tony to beat him at some other carnival game. "I love it here, and I don't think I've ever been this happy..."
"And it scares you?" She questioned, following my eyes towards Bucky and Tony.
"Of course it does, this is all still quite new too me, I had no loving parents,  or family in over twenty some odd years," I paused, and swallowed my worry, "but what if yah'll fall apart again... I don't think I'd be able to watch you guys tear each other apart...," I mustered, shivering when I remembered watching the videos from their war, and hearing about it from Steve and Tony.
The sky overhead darkened within seconds, and a rush of wind blew into the park.
Bucky, Steve and Tony quickly turned around and looked for me, until Tony's eyes met mine. Soon Bruce, Nat and Sam walked towards Wanda and I, frowning.
"What's wrong tempest, someone eat the last of the cotton candy, they run out of candy apples?" Tony called out, tossing me a large teddy bear he had won. The team converged around me, sheltering me from my own storm.
The teddy bear already smelled like Tony, "did you really beat Bucky?" I inquired, surprised.
"It was a fluke, and he probably cheated," Bucky growled, rolling his eyes, and slipping his hands in his black jeans.
"You're the one with a bionic arm," Tony quipped, winking at me."
"And you're an asshole." Buck retorted, plopping down next to me before Tony could. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm fine," I replied, leaning lightly onto Bucky.
"She's just overwhelmed, by how much she loves all of us," Wanda giggled, nudging me.
"Aww, we love you too, even though you're slightly crazy." Sam mumbled, looking around. "Now if you'll excuse me."
Steve rolled his eyes when Sam and Clint walked towards the Ferris wheel, just as a group of giggling women followed.
"Ohhh, nachos!" Nat yelled, pulling Wanda and Bruce with her. Bucky and Steve got up and followed Nat, but not before James patted my hand and pushed some hair away from my face.
After they left, Tony cleared his throat, after he sat down, and leaned back against the bench. The clouds still hung overhead, but the wind wasn't blowing as hard.
"Now you wanna tell me what's really the matter, you were fine just a few minutes ago?" He asked, adjusting his gold rimmed sunglasses.
"Wanda pretty much layed it out," I sighed, leaning back against his arm, absorbing some of his warmth.
"Okay, then why does it look like it's going to rain still?" He questioned quickly, nodding up at the sky. I followed his eyes, and noticed the clouds getting a little darker. "C'mon spill it, there's no one here but you and me."
After a few quiet minutes, I sighed, "do you ever think about what happened four years ago, and wonder if it'll happen again?"
I watched as Tony's eyebrows fell underneath his glasses, and his mouth settled into a hardline. A hard brush of wind whipped against my face, letting more white hair escape from my braid.

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