Chapter 2 - Baby On Board

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Jade didn't say as much but Tori was coming to mean more to her every day. She looked forward to seeing her and missed the girl as soon as they parted. Jade refused to question what she was feeling. Tori needed Jade intensely at first. And, surprisingly, the Goth didn't seem to mind.

But she still remembered the emotional transference patients could experience and didn't want to hurt Tori any more because of that.

The most intense day came when David Vega had to tell Tori about the others involved in her rape. Jade was sitting with her on one of the twin sofas in the Vegas' living room and Tori wordlessly curled up into a near-fetal position on Jade's lap. Emotionally, she started to crawl back into her protective shell when she heard about Robbie but, again, Jade was her anchor to the world. Holding Jade fiercely, Tori managed to say, "Tell me, Dad. I need to know."

Like Jade before, she was stunned by the revelation. Unlike Jade, she was more saddened than angry. "Oh, Robbie..."

When the truth of Trina's harness 'accident' the year before came out though, the sadness quickly morphed into anger. Jade had to smile when Tori uncharacteristically said, "That bastard!"

Jade knew, as did Tori's parents, that Tori and her sister did love each other and would fight to protect each other. But, being sisters, and one being particularly annoying, they would still fight each other like cats and dogs.

Still, that evening, Tori huddled on her bed, practically buried in her sheets and comforter. Jade was sitting next to her. The brunette said very little after her earlier outburst and Jade was worried. "Tori?"

Faintly, she heard, "Yeah?"

"Are you...okay?" Jade winced at the stupidity of her question.

"No... I'm scared. I... How could Robbie..." Sobs followed the unfinished question.

Jade, sympathetic tears threatening to spill from her eyes, shook her head. "I don't know. I guess we never really thought that whole thing with Rex was dangerous."

"I hate ventriloquists!"

Jade snickered, "I hear ya, sistah."

That brought a small laugh from the bundled linen.


"Yeah, Tori." Jade tried but failed to inject some boredom and irritation into her voice.

"You'd never...hurt me, would you?"

Jade was silent for a long moment, hurt by the question but scared by her earlier actions, before she said, "Never."

As she realized why Tori asked – she was feeling incredibly vulnerable and Jade had never been the friendliest acquaintance for most of their relationship – Tori slowly dug her way out and looked at Jade, her eyes wide and staring.

Jade, for her part, couldn't help but begin to laugh, "Tor... Tori, you..."


"Your hair looks like a rat's nest!"

Tori glanced at her mirror across the room and started to giggle too.

Jade got Tori's brush and began to untangle the brown tresses, holding the brush in her left hand as she followed the brush through Tori's hair with her broken hand.

Tori winced and Jade apologized. "I'm sorry, Tori. I can't help the snags."

"It's okay. It feels good."

"What? The snags?" Jade asked.

Tori shook her head and replied, "No, you goof. You taking care of me."

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