Chapter 5 - The Tori Vega-Jade West Story

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~long term flashback cont'd~

Four years before...

~~ ... and the senator, while claiming he was not intoxicated, could not explain his nudity.

In other news, the upcoming wedding of popstar Tori Vega and her long-time companion, award-winning Indy film maker Jade West, is today. It's being called the Celebrity Wedding of the Decade... ~~

The wedding day dawned with Tori and Lizzie at her family home in Hollywood. Jade was at the West house. They had agreed to follow the old traditions and hadn't laid eyes on each other since the rehearsal dinner the night before.

"Mami, why didn't we stay at home with Mom?"

Tori smiled and explained about traditions. "The bride and groom, or in this case, the bride and bride, shouldn't see each other before the wedding. It's good luck."

"Oh, like my rabbit's foot?"

Laughing, Tori replied, "Yes, like your icky rabbit's foot."

The wedding was held at Andre's newly purchased house north of Malibu. It came complete with a large yard overlooking the Pacific. Jade and Tori took rooms at opposite ends of the house as they donned their dresses and primped for the ritual.

"Something old," Tori muttered, fingering the charm bracelet that represented the gang – the same one that Jade had given her shortly before Liz was born. After the birth of their little girl, two more charms had been added, a small pacifier and entwined Venus symbols. "Something new." She touched the new pearl earrings her mother had given her the night before in a teary family get-together. "Something borrowed and something blue," Tori finished, caressing the blue strand of Jade's hair that was fixed in her brown tresses but hanging free alongside her face.

"Well, maybe not borrowed," she giggled. "Not like Jade can glue it back."

"Glue what?" Cat said as she walked in briefly to check on the other half of the wedding party. "I have my Grizzly Glue."

Tori shuddered, remembering how much trouble that adhesive had caused when Cat made her up as a zombie years before.

Jade had been going through her own checklist. Old was a necklace that came to her from her grandmother and had been given to her great-grandmother for her wedding. New was her own charm bracelet of alternating scissors, pacifiers and entwined Venus symbols, a gift from Tori for her last birthday. Borrowed was a pink hair ribbon from Cat, her Second Maid of Honor. Blue was the navy sash around the waist of her white dress.

"Okay, Kitty-Cat," Jade said, watching Cat's face light up at her old nickname. "I'm ready."

"Yay! So's Tori! And you're both so beautiful!"

As they walked slowly through Andre's house, Jade asked, "So when are you and Van Cleef getting hitched?"

Cat blushed, "We're sorta okay as we are now..."

"You dirty little minx..." Jade teased, ignoring the fact that she and Tori had been living together 'in sin' for almost a dozen years.

The time came, the wedding party marched out and took their positions on either side of the flowered arch. On the Vega side, a cousin, Beck (Jade allowed him to be on Tori's side to balance the wedding party) and Trina as her sister's Second Maid of Honor. On the West side, her brother, Sikowitz and Cat, Jade's Second Maid of Honor. In the middle was the First Maid of Honor, Elizabeth Catrina Vega.

And there was no prouder 11 year old in the state of California.

Drake and Andre played the Wedding March, the guitar and the keyboard meshing well.

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