Fantasy Poetry by NouMoussa

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Fantasy Poetry, an often overlooked form of fantasy writing.

By @NouMoussa

Fantasy is the thing we can't have. It has no limits. You can choose your time and place. You can travel not outside your city or country — not just outside space, outside the universe.

Oh how beautiful is fantasy and how beautiful it is when it rhymes, making a sound that sends your ear and your mind faraway.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who tends to search for a replacement for our boring world. When reading, watching a movie, or listening to music we choose what will send us in a different dimension for sometime. Luckily, for writers, authors and poets we can not only use our imagination to live in that place we read about or watched in the movie or heard about, we can create it ourselves.

When I come up with a new idea of a story, sometimes I get stuck of how to on how to organize this idea, how much detail will it need and how much time should I give this idea. A while ago I had an idea for story with undefined time and place, I didn't indicate the type of creatures except for their immortality, and that they are powerful. I decided to write it as poetry, the idea went out perfectly. I made five parts, they were short but had many ideas, and I didn't get bored or develop writers block.

I think that writing fantasy in a form of a poem made it ethereal, with the metaphor and all figure of speeches.

Another time, I had another idea that would've worked as a short story or a poem, so before starting to write it I imagined it as a short story and as a poem. I read it both ways in my mind, as a poem it flowed well, was easy to understand and was different from poems I wrote before. As a short story it was appropriate but boring, you wouldn't have understood its beauty or bottom line, so I went with the poetry.

Again, I came up with a fantasy poem with the ethereal feeling that was required, where characters features weren't needed, nor did I need to include the where and when the story takes place. I began to love the idea of a poem that's based on a fantasy and how it captures you with few words and figures of speech and all the literature value.

Of course, not every story can be told as a poem, sometimes you need answers, why did he do that and when and where are they? Sometimes you need to add more about the setting and story to make the story something to think about and put yourselves in the characters shoes.

Sometimes your mind will give you the answer without much effort. You hear it flowing in your mind as a poem, or the events of the story pass before your eyes as a short story. Or you find it filled with a lot of characters you want to make it full with new creatures, many events, and then you know you should start writing your novel.

So it's up to the writer to manage his idea and use his/her creativity. Some may think that the power lies only on the details, but in my opinion, it also lies on your use of word, atmosphere, ability to captivate the reader and ability to put every idea, character, event in their right place.

Below are a few fantasy poems collected by @NouMoussa and reviewed and selected by @dreamingthought

Editor’s Note: Here’s a couple of links I found about types of poetry for those of you who are like me and enjoy poetry, but don’t know much about it.

Death's Apprentice

by AlexisSims

Sea of Glass: A Mermaid’s Dream

By Revengefulkarma's-dream

The Lost Dream

By Kanzentaicell

The Knights Horrible End

By TRowan


By EmilyLinette

Unraveling the petals

By mariposa99

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2012 ⏰

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