Did He Pee His Pants? // 2

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Ashton - Daddy
Luke - Dad
Calum - Uncle
Michael - 2 years old (headspace)

The next couple of days of the tour went by and Michael still wasn't feeling any less homesick. Michael knew Luke's heart was in the right place, but seeing his mum on FaceTime was nothing compared to the real thing and really it only made him miss her more.

Today was the bands first free day in ages, they had nothing planned and it was a great time to rest and relax. "What do you guys want to do today?" Ashton asked, slumping himself down onto the sofa on the tour bus and looking at the other boys. "Hey that new film about the clown has just come out hasn't it?" Luke asked excitedly. "Ohhhhh yeah!! Let's go and see that!!" Shouted Calum from the other side of the room. Ashton knew that generally Michael was a more quiet person, but wanted to make sure he was okay with it before they decided to go. "Mikey?" Asked Ashton, giving him a small smile, trying to signify that it would be alright if he didn't want to go because Ashton knew Michael hated horror films. "Sure" Michael said, sounding rather unenthusiastic. "Let's go!!" Shouted Calum over Michael as he went to stand up.

It was a little past midday when all of the boys were finally ready to leave for the cinema. Michael was just about to go to the bathroom when Calum burst in through the door. "Hurry up Micheal!! You've been in here ages, it's time to gooooo" Calum said, whining slightly as he grew more impatient. Michael moaned and turned around, making a mental note to go before they went into the movie.

The theatre was packed, there were so many people charging to the front desk in search of tickets for the new film. The boys were guided through the cinema to a private showing room, while they were surrounded by huge body guards who would fend off any crazed fans from their path. "Quick, you need to get in. I can see loads more girls coming through the door" one of the bodyguards said while he pushed them through the door to their screen.

They all took their seats with sighs of relief, and a women came in to ask them f they wanted any drinks or snacks. All of the boys ordered a large coke, along with other snacks and candy.

Abruptly the commercials began, making Michael jump a little. Just like Ashton was thinking before, Michael hated scary films, so immediately when he heard the film glimmer of horror he grabbed onto Luke's upper arm and clung onto him. "Michael, the movie hasn't even started yet" Luke laughed, lightly pushing Michael off him so he could eat his food.

Minutes later and the film began rolling, leaving Michael sitting in his seat with a heart beating uncontrollably fast. That's when he remembered, he hadn't gone to the bathroom yet. He leaned over and tapped Luke on his thigh. "What?" Luke said in quite an angry tone. "I need to go to the bathroom" Michael whispered back. "Right, so go?" Luke said, still seemingly quite angry. "Come with m-" Michael began before being cut off by a particularly loud sound from the film.

The film was long and it terrified Michael, and he had never been so happy to see the end credit roll across the screen. However, he didn't want the lights to come back on. Michael was desperate to go to the bathroom, but as Luke wouldn't come with him he just decided to wait. He had his hands gripped strongly between his legs, with his thighs fanning backwards and forwards. But against Michael's wishes the lights gradually came up, revealing his embarrassing state to Luke and the other boys.

Ashton and Calum looked at Michael with confused faces, while Luke knew exactly what was wrong with him. "Come on Mikey, lets go" said Luke, trying to usher the boy out of his seat and to the bathroom. Michael just stared at Luke, his eyes begging him to help, while he hands stayed glued between his legs. "You guys go, we'll catch up" Luke said, gesturing for the other two boys to leave the theatre.

Once Calum and Ashton had left and the door had closed behind them Luke began to try and figure the situation out. "Come on Mikey, lets go" he repeated, thinking maybe he would get up now that the others had left. "Hafta go potty" Michael said, as he had completely regressed into 2 year old Michael right in front of Luke. Luke was slightly taken aback, he hadn't heard anyone talk like that in so long as he was constantly surrounded with adults with the band. He found himself not sure what to say, he just looked at the desperate boy in front of him trying to think what to do.

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