Witch hunt (N)

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As I started to run I couldn't help but feel fear course through my veins. As I was nearing the bottom of the large hill I dared to turn around. Unfortunately I saw to many people to count.

As the angry pick fork holding mob neared my location I completely turned around and stopped. They slowed down to an almost stop. Two men dared to try and surround me with one circling to my left the other two my right.

I was trying my best trying to keep both of them in my line of sight and out of my blind spot. The one to my left was holding an ordinary sword where as the one to my right was holding a curved bladed weapon. Soon they were both either side of me only just within my line of sight.

Then before my mind had registered what happened the man to the left with the sword lunged towards my stomach momentarily distracting me from the guy with the curved blade. Only just dodging his attack I turned just in time see the other man throw his weapon towards me.

At the last possible I swung out my arm catching the blade on my wrist then spinning it round 5 times. This action I'm turn caused me to gain many scratches around my wrists with blood slowly dripping from the cuts a deep crimson red. With a strained flick of my wrists I threw it slightly into the air giving me time to reach out and grab it.

Now with a weapon of my own to defend myself with I turned ready to face the ever growing mob. Shaking I prepared myself four my most likely death inn one of the most gruesome ways possible. Just as the mob were about to come charging forward a voice shouted for us to stop. With me turning to my left and the villagers to their right we turned to see what seemed to be the queen sitting atop a beautiful throne upon the grassy hill side.

As she spoke she explained to everyone that I was indeed not a witch well not yet any way. She said to ensure I did not turn into a witch I had to drink a special potion made by the queen herself. As the villagers began to leave I walked up to the queens throne to thank her.

Just as I reached her she handed she a potion telling me to drink it all at exactly midnight tonight. Thanking her I walked away towards my home.

Then everything went black and I woke up.


Thanks for reading in a way I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please share and vote.

Cupcakes out :)

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