Leo's cheeks turned red

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Saturday morning arrived and we both allowed ourselves to sleep late.

I hadn't slept very well, not falling asleep until well after midnight; having been kept awake with feelings of guilt for not being truthful with Leo about the phone call. I knew he would find out eventually that the party had been canceled, but I also knew how much he had been looking forward to this and so I had decided to go ahead with my plan anyway, hoping he would enjoy himself enough to forgive me for it later.

Once we did finally get up, I gave nothing away over breakfast. After breakfast, I made a trip out on my own to pick up a couple of extra things from town.

Before long it was two-thirty in the afternoon and Leo was keen to get started on his transformation.

"Go have a nice soak in the bath and use lots of bubbles," was my first instruction. "I've laid out a selection of soaps and shampoos on the back of the tub, use them all. There's a razor there too, shave your face, legs, and your chest."

I smiled as I watched Leo disappear into the bathroom and turn on the water. My pink robe was already in there hanging up, and I instructed him to toss his clothes out so that I could start a load of laundry; once undressed, he wouldn't be wearing boy clothing again for the rest of the day.

"Take your time and do a thorough job. Take care to not nick your legs either. It'll be easier if you shave last. I'll see you in about an hour," I shouted at him as he tossed his clothes into the hallway and closed the door.

It was just about forty-five minutes later when Leo returned from the bathroom, wearing one of the fluffy white towels around his waist, as well as the pink robe. He smelled amazing, which meant he had obviously taken my advice about the soaps and the shampoo.

"Sit down on the bed for a minute; I'll dry your hair. But first, let me feel your legs. How was the shaving?"

"Bit strange at first, it made me feel funny, but it wasn't too hard to do. Go ahead, touch'um, mom. They're so smooth now. I put some of your moisturizing lotion on them too."

Leo lifted up his robe and towel and revealed one of his freshly shaven, smooth, hairless legs.

"Wow," I replied, running my fingertips up the side of one of his legs. "They feel fantastic. Smoother than mine right now. Guess I need to shave too. You'll be wanting to shave them regularly from now on, I bet."

This, Leo neither confirmed nor denied, instead he sat quietly on the bed.

I picked up a brush and hair dryer and began to style his hair. I really didn't do anything particularly special with it, but I did insist he put on a pink fabric hairband.

I then sent Leo back to the bathroom to moisturize his face, while I got out the first part of his outfit for the evening, the underwear.

When Leo returned, his face was a picture of excitement at seeing what I had laid out and realizing it was all for him.

While on one my shopping trip during the week, I had bought him a complete set of lingerie, a significant step up from the simple panty briefs he had worn last week. Laid out in front of him was a pair of beautiful black silk and lace panties with a matching bra and a pair of sheer black thigh-high stockings.

"Put these on first, then you can lose the towel," I instructed as I picked up the panties and handed them to him.

He didn't say anything, he seemed to be in a mild state of shock which I found quite cute. A few moments later he had slipped on the panties under his robe and put the towel to one side.

"Next it's these," I pointed out while picking up one of the thigh highs, giving it to him to hold.

Leonard rubbed his thumb and fingers together with the sheer stocking between them. They were thinner and more silky than the other pair he had worn and he really seemed to like how they felt.

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