He was speechless

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In order for stage two to began, I had something we needed to wait on and I needed to stall until it was here, so I told Leo that it was a little early to begin his makeup just yet. I suggested instead, that he get the heels he had been practicing in and try walking around in them for a bit.

"Your breastforms are going to alter your center of gravity and you'll see that walking in heels will be a bit different. It'll take you a couple of minutes before you are walking as confidently as you had been before. Also, the tug of those suspenders on your hose will cause a bit of a massaging motion on your legs that may prove quite distracting at first. You'll need to get used to that sensation as well, before you go out."

Leo gave me a look that said he didn't quite believe me, but he retrieved the shoes anyways, strapping each one on his feet, then began to walk around the house as I went to retrieve the laundry from the dryer.

Several minutes later, as I  was folding laundry in the bedroom, I heard the bathroom door open and close again. This time, just as before, he was in there for a suspicious amount of time before finally coming out. I smiled, knowing exactly what had happened yet again.

"Hey mom, check this out," Leo announced, entering the room with the confidence of a runway model and a hip sway to match.

"I see you've got the hang of walking in heels with the extra weight on your chest."

"Yeah mom, it was easy. But that's not what I wanted to show you. Look at my panties," he announced, holding the robe open for me to see.  "Notice anything?"

It took me a moment to realize what he was referring to, but then I saw it. "What did you do," I  asked, shocked. "You're completely flat."

"Yeah, I tucked everything back between my legs."

"Where did you learn tha--,"I began to ask but didn't finish. The doorbell interrupted me.

"Right on time," I muttered checking my watch as I hurried to answer it.

"What's right on time?" Leo asked with panic in his voice. "Who's at the door?!"

I ignored his answer, but he didn't have long to wait to find out. Moments later I returned to the bedroom, joined by an attractive young blonde woman carrying a large shoulder bag, a long thin cardboard box, and a small fold up table, which she immediately unfolded and set up in the middle of the room.

Leo immediately pulled his robe closed and sat on the bed with his head down. His face turned beet red. He was very visibility embarrassed at having someone else see him half-nakes, wearing girls lingerie, stockings, heels, and a silk robe. He liked like he wanted to crawl under the bed and dissappear.

The fact that she was quite a looker with sexy curves, flawless makeup, and piercing blue eyes; the kind of girl most any boy Leo's age would find impossibly perfect probably didn't help at all.

Maybe I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help but smile, seeing how uncomfortable he was.

"Leo, this is Miranda," I announced. "She's a good friend of mine and a professional cosmetologist. When I told her your idea about dressing as a girl for the evening, she quickly offered to come and do your hair, nails, and make-up for you."

"You're not the first boy I've ever done this for. So no need to be embarrassed." Miranda told Leo. "A few years ago my little brother competed in a womanless pageant."

I turned to Miranda,"How did he do? "

"Oh, he won."

"What do you think of how Leo looks so far, Miranda?"

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