Čhàptēr 1~'Sure, Why Not'

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~Enid's POV~

Enid shifted slightly as she made her way into work, the morning was chilly, so she folded her arms against her chest.

"Goodmorning Enid!" K.O greeted her as he bounced over to her.

Enid smiled at him softly.

"Goodmorning to you too, K.O."

K.O was a good friend of hers, making her feel self confident and good about herself. He always wore a red headband in his long, dark hair, and he always was cheerful.

"Did the store open for the day yet?" Enid asked him as she walked to the counter she worked at.

"No, not yet. Radicles hasn't come into work yet-"

K.O stopped abruptly as Rad made his way into work.

"Hey Jerks." He greeted as he leaned on Enid's counter.

Radicles was another good friend of hers, they had known each other for a long while, and they got along well, small arguments at that.

"What's up?" Enid asked as she let her gaze meet his as she lifted herself onto the counter and swung her legs over.

"Nah, nothing much. I think Gar will be here soon."

Radicles answered as he pressed his muscled arms against the counter.

K.O sat beside Rad.

A bust through the doors made all of them look up.

"Stop slacking off chumps!" Gar hollered as he walked in.

"Yes sir!" The three chorused.

"Radicles, K.O, I want a doorbell in today!" Mr. Gar told them.

He threw Rad a small package and he caught it easily and smiled down to K.O.

K.O awed at him.

"And that's how it's done." Rad boasted.

Enid rolled her eyes and looked to Mr. Gar, awaiting her task.

"Enid, I need you to stock up our back storage today." He told her.

"Got it." Enid nodded.

Mr. Gar left and walked into his office, leaving the group alone.

"Well, better get to the doorbell." Radicles said walking over and K.O followed him.

Enid was going to do her task...later.

She began to think instead.

Enid shut her eyes and tried tuning Radicles and K.O out, her head had been such a mess ever since she began to write lately.

She felt the need to express her feelings, so she'd simply jot them down in a notebook, the cover was an array of colors and speckles of red glitter.

Personally she had felt uncomfortable writing in it, feeling too girly perhaps, but it truly cleansed her mind and made her question her thoughts lately.

Enid wrote about her feelings, specifically the feelings for...for him.

She opened her eyes and leaned back in her chair, staring at the bulk figure of Radicles, he and K.O were joking around and testing a bell for the door.

Her face grew warm, so she darted her eyes. Ever since middle school she had loved him. Loved was a strong word, she tried to consider the feelings as a deep crush...but she knew that hadn't been right.

So Enid would write about how she would confess, how she felt about him, and everything.

Oh of course she buried them down, but sometimes the feelings were stupendous.

Enid got up and walked over to her friends and pointed upwards.

"Wanna test it out?" She asked.

"Yeah Enid!" K.O agreed.

So she stepped outside and then returned inside only to hear a "ring" as the little bell went off.

She grinned and gave them a thumbs up.

"Nice." Radicles grinned as he high-fived K.O.

"Hey Enid, maybe tonight you wanna hangout with K.O and I at the Arcade?" Rad asked.

The question made her face grow hot and she could see a light blush on Radicles face.

She shrugged.

"Yeah, I got nothing better to do."
Enid strolled into the backroom, she had to stock up boxes, she picked one up and began to stack it upon the shelf and continued to do so for the rest.

Enid grunted as she kicked a box up on a higher shelf.

Rad would be of great use right now...

Enid shook her head at the dumb thought and worked until she finished her task, that was...until she found a mysterious note.

Enid gripped it carefully in her hands and took a glance around the room, checking to see if anybody was there.

But she was there alone.

So her gaze returned to the note, and out of curiosity she began to read.

"Dear Enid,

     I've liked you for a lot of time now actually, I think you're really pretty and despite your cool personality, you're actually really sweet~ I know you'd never like me back...but I just want you to know I care about you<3

Enid's eyes widened.

"This must be a joke or something." She whispered to herself reassuringly.

Enid walked out and met her friends.

"Hey K.O, I have a question." Enid told him.

"Ask away!" He answered happily.

Enid showed him the note.

"Did you happen to write this? It's cute and it doesn't matter if you did." She informed K.O.

He scanned over the letter.

"No actually. I'm sorry Enid but I didn't." K.O admitted with a frown.

"It's okay, just...it's a bit odd." Enid told him as she took the note back.

"Where's Rad?" She suddenly asked.

"Oh! He's on break." K.O answered in a happier tone.

"Oh cool." Enid said with a nod of her head as she trotted off towards the counter.

She tucked the note into her pocket and rolled her eyes.

Somebody was messing with her.

But who?

Enid threw her legs atop the counter and recited the words in her head.

Who wrote that letter?

End Of Chapter 1!!!

Hope you enjoyed~~~xoxo

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