Çhãptër 3~'Playing With Her Heart'

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I love the way you lie

Just gonna stand there

And watch me burn...

That's Alright because I like the way it hurts.

~song: Love The Way You Lie

Enid's POV~

Enid walked into the store, her fists clenched and her mind racing.

Why would anybody play a prank like that?

Enid sat down and crossed her legs.

Was it a prank?

Enid shook her head at the thought, nobody liked her like that, she would feel self conscious often, but it was okay.

She hadn't had the note very long, but it made her jumbled.

She began to bag up a customers items and waved them off once she had finished.

K.O and Radicles had walked inside, the two talking.

She shrugged and put on her sunglasses and she began to relax.
Mr. Gar had walked in, and he eyed everyone.

"You three are mysteriously quiet, but anyway, I think BoxMan is up to something." He declared pulling out a stool and sitting on it.

K.O rushed to flip the sign as closed while they began to discuss.

"And why is that?" Radicles asked as he leaned on a shelf.

"Radicles are you blind? They haven't attacked in nearly two days!" Gar pointed out as frustration dug into his voice.

Enid nodded agreement.

"So what do we do?!" K.O asked as he looked at Mr. Gar expectingly.

"We have to be ready." He answered.

"Yes sir!" Enid agreed.
Enid was obviously still hung up over the note, she was so confused by it.

She angrily stormed outside only to meet Shannon.

Shannon was a bitch. Honestly a bitch. Wanting to be the best and had to take credit for every deed done.

Enid bristled.

It was probably BoxMore playing with her feelings.

Enid was roughly grabbed to the ground, and then the alarm had rung, indicating trouble.

"You robots are sick." Enid whispered to Shannon.

Shannon recoiled at her words.

"What's your problem today?"

Shannon asked angrily instead of hurting her.

Radicles and K.O rushed outside and began to try and rip Shannon off.

"Playing with my heart, all a dumb joke!" Enid angrily whispered, her breath catching in her throat as she threw her legs at Shannon, causing her to fall backwards into her friends.

Enid grabbed Radicles hand and then K.O's, hoisting them up gently.

Shannon pulled her fist backwards and ran at them full speed, but let out an angry yelp as Radicles was a step ahead of her.

Rad X Enid: FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now