Agreement Between Two Mature Adults

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"Hey, El. You okay?" Daniel asked as they rinsed the dishes after having leftovers of the tomato soup from the previous night.

"I don't know," she shrugged. She tilted her head and looked at him, smiling sadly.

"Come here," he said as he pulled her into a short embrace. She hugged him awkwardly, trying not to let her soapy hands touch his clothes. She felt Daniel's chest vibrate as he chuckled, noticing her effort to keep her hands far away from his clothes.

"You're short," he said, with his head on top of hers.

"I am not!" she said, stepping away.

She then stood beside him and placed her hand on top of her head, so that it was touching her head and his shoulder. Her hand reached only to his upper chest. She immediately removed her hand from his chest, embarrassed by both - her height and his chest.

Well, mainly the latter.

Daniel smirked at her. "I'm two heads taller," he said, sticking out two fingers.

"Shut up," she said, as she smiled and continued washing the dishes.

"Hey, El. What do you say we go out today? Clubbing, maybe? It's a wednesday and none of us have classes. Besides, you could use some time off."

Elina thought for a minute before answering. She needed to train. She wasn't eating properly and she knew that, especially when her body gave out on her when she was fighting Oliver. Her cheeks heated at the recollection of the event, and she let out a silent sigh. She felt pathetic even thinking about it. How weak had her skills become? She was once known for her fierceness and her fellow assassins feared approaching her. Now, she was being pinned down after one blow and she couldn't do anything about it.

"I don't know, Dan," she replied finally, turning off the tap and wiping her wet hands on the towel.

"Why?" he insisted. "You've been stressed. I know I've known you only for like a week, but it doesn't take rocket science to figure that out. It's practically written all over your face."

Great. Now she felt worse. One of the first things that she was taught was to be devoid of any emotions. Assassins were not allowed to feel anything. Not happiness, not pride, not sorrow, not guilt - unless they needed to appear normal for their missions. Yet, Elina had broken each one of these and had proved to be a superb example for a role model to the younger assassins. However, here she was - her emotions easily being read by a civilian.

 Elina sighed and slouched onto the sofa.

"What time?" she asked.

"Is that a yes?" Daniel beamed.

"Nope. That's an 'I'll see'", she replied.

"Whenever suits you," he said.

"Can we do it tomorrow though? I'm going to drink and I don't want to go to class feeling like shit," he added.

"Evening class, love," she said. "Well, technically, I'll be back before 6. If I feel like it, then mostly yes! If not, then let's do it this Friday."

"Great!" he said, as he took out his laptop and began typing up something

"Dan," Elina said, her voice suddenly serious.

Daniel glanced at her through the side of his eyes as he continued typing. Then he looked back at the laptop and typed a few more words, then set it aside. "What's up?"

"Well," Elina started. She subconciously fiddled with the hem of her full sleeve top. "I know we are pretty close for two people who have just gotten to know each other and are living under the same roof, but don't you think we should have some common rules? Like basic ones. You know, like who takes the trash out or what we are allowed to touch and everything. I don't mean to be rude or anything when I say that, but we all have our personal things. What do you say?"

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