Chapter 1

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Ameena woke up to the dreadful chimes of her alarm. She wriggled out of bed and walked across to the toilet on the other side of her house. Still sleepy, she picked up her toothbrush; applied toothpaste and brushed her teeth.

She was approaching her school, the green gates of hell in sight. 'Pharell Secondary School 'it said on a huge banner, white text against a black background. The school logo stood out like the much cliché saying, a sore thumb. The logo was rather unique compared to other school logos; two lemon coloured pythons intertwined.

She thought to herself if she'd done the homework for all her lessons that day. She wasn't really one for studying and homework; she was more of the last minute type-

"EYYY" she heard from behind, she looked back. "Why the fuck wasn't you replying for?" said a rather pale girl in a Hijab as she made herself towards Ameena.

"I woke up a bit late innit". Ameena replied in a groggy, sleepy voice

"Wowwww, had to walk alone 'cause of that" said Ameena's friend.

"Oh look at me, I'm Hawwa and I had to walk alone" Ameena said, mocking Hawwa.

"..." Hawwa seemed the least impressed.

They both began to walk to class together, chatting with each other about the regular concerns and gossip; homework, who has beef with who, who's 'dealing' etc.

5 years ago~

It was Ameena's first day in a new primary school, she was kind of nervous, as would be most children her age. Hawwa entered the toilet and, to her surprise, found Ameena chucking wet glumps of toilet paper at the wall.

"What you doin'?" asked Hawwa inquisitively

"Ummm, throwing wet tissues at the wall" replied the rather mischievous girl. Hawwa looked at her and smiled.

"Lemme do it as well!" Hawwa said, her eyes glistening with joy. Ameena nodded with a massive grin

Hawwa walked towards a toilet stall and took out some toilet paper; she then made her way to a sink and wet them. She and Ameena threw wet tissues at the pastel blue wall of the girl's toilet. The sound of these wet paper missiles against the wall 'Splat', 'splat', 'splat' until the whole wall was covered in the squidgy, wet globs of toilet paper. They looked at each other and admired their handy work. The toilet door began to open, they both looked at the door, "OH NO, A DINNER LADY, RUN!" said Ameena. The two new mates ran, adrenaline pumping throughout their body. They made their exit out the door on the opposite side of the toilets. This led to the inside of the school, they both then made their way through the white and blue coloured corridor to another door. They moved towards another exit that led to the playground. "That was very close!" exclaimed Ameena catching her breath while leaning against a wall. They both glared at each other with a huge grin on their faces and broke into hysterical laughter.

Since then, they had bonded through the years. Their friendship circles might have changed but they always remained together, their bond as strong as a covalent structure. Where Ameena was Hawwa wasn't too far behind and were Hawwa was Ameena was close by.

Back to the story~

"So how's the Kafir life going for ya?" Hawwa asked Ameena, jokingly slapping her back. Ameena replied with a slightly pissed off look on her face "I'm not really not Muslim" Ameena replied. "Whatever, you're still a Kafir" Hawwa said in a sarcastic tone "Well shit, stone me honey!" exclaimed Ameena sarcastically to which her friend seemingly smiled.

They diverged into their different paths while inside the school building; they were in different form classes. Ameena had walked into her registration class and sat down in her seat. The tables were arranged in different sized blocks. Her table consisted of four people. She sat near a boy by the name of Hassan, a rather large but somewhat charming boy. Their form teacher, Mr. Williams, sat in front of the computer while calling out names for the register. Mr Williams was a rather young, tall and dashing man. After he did the, as he would often call it, 'legal document' he would either discuss something with the class or just let the class talk amongst themselves quietly. That day the class spoke amongst themselves quietly, Ameena wasn't bothered to talk so she listened to everyone speak and kind of zoned out-the bell rang; time for lesson. She head out the door 

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