Gory Goods

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Leiah observed Tyrell with a slight look of surprise. She inspected his exhausted face closely and poked his eyebags, causing him to growl in disapproval.

"Can you stop looking at me?" He muttered, crossing his arms and facing the opposite direction with embarrassment. She giggled and covered her mouth quickly, wearing an apologetic look, "Sorry, but you look awful. Did you stay up all night?"

Hallow walked into the ballroom, marching towards the two and stopping to nudge Tyrell's head with his large hand, "We most certainly did, princess! Ever since you acted so cold towards me and went off to sleep, Tyrell was kind enough to invite me into his own bedroom. We had so much fun!" Tyrell wore a fake smile, nodding slowly and looking up at his companion, "Sure...yep."

He let out a small 'oof!' as Hallow nudged his head once more and focused his attention on Leiah. The woman pouted in jealousy, as she regretted not staying up and participating in what she thought was a fun party. "No fair. Hallow, tonight you and I will have a sleep over."

Tyrell was about to object, but the spirit cut him off, "Of course, it will be the best sleep over you have ever had." They both clapped their hands together, fantasizing about what kind of spooky party they would hold. Tyrell, on the other hand, didn't like the idea of any male staying in the princesses quarters overnight.

No. He did not like it one bit.

"Well then, I'm coming also." The guard nodded in satisfaction, causing the two to turn their heads in synchrony.

"If you want to-."

"You're just going to be checking up on me for my father. I am my own person and I don't need someone to be following me around. Please, Tyrell, just let me look out for myself this time." Leiah crossed her arms, a defiant look in her eyes as she walked up to Tyrell. He didn't know how to respond, but before he could think of an excuse, he caught sight of the large grin forming on Hallow's face. He knew what was coming next.

"Hahaha!" Hallow let out a loud, deep roar, causing the chandelier overhead to tremble. The guard felt even more self-conscious, and he covered his face with his hand, trying to shield the annoyed look growing on his face. "How does rejection feel, Tyrell? Oh, you. You were so certain she was going to agree. "

"That's not very funny." Tyrell grumbled through gritted teeth, while Leiah only sighed and walked towards Hallow. "It's decided," she stated with a triumphant look, "Tyrell will stand guard outside my room and make sure none of father's men are going to spy on me. Is that okay with you?" She focused her attention back to her guard who gave a quick nod. It was better than sleeping far away, not knowing what they were doing. At least this way he could hear every word that came out of Hallow's big mouth.

"Alright, alright. Enough of this. I want you both to start carving."

The Halloween King patted two round, bright orange pumpkins sitting on a table behind them. Leiah and Tyrell both walked over, picking up a pair of large knives as they listened to Hallow's quick instructions.

"Let me teach you the simple way to bring these plump fruits to life. First, you stick your knife into the top of the pumpkin's head. Then you carve around in a circular motion, removing its skull. After that, you just pull out its flesh and proceed to cut out eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Look at me for inspiration, if you wish."

They both turned to examine Hallow's head, then proceeded to try and follow his instructions as best as they could. Tyrell accidentally stuck his knife a bit further down than he was supposed to. Hallow only scolded him for a few minutes, asking whether he had eyes or not. Leiah on the other hand, did a much better job, as she was much more eager to create something amazing than Tyrell was. Hallow watched her for a while, realizing she was having difficulties with the eyes now.

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