Of course

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Marcos POV :
So textin star didn't work .
Neither did , slipping notes under her door , face timeline her , emailing her or talking through the door , she was taking non of it at all. I didn't want to give up , but my mom said it was time . I went to search on YouTube 'how to get your friend out there room.' When I saw a little notification saying Star was online . I shot up . 'I'll txt her on YouTube.' I said to myself setting it up . Doing so I got a video pop up . ~ the secrets of starbutterfat~

I thought in my head . OH FUCK and I HOPE STAR DOESNT SEE THIS. I watched the video , then reported it . I reported the shit out of it . 'I feel so bad for Star.' I said to my self . *buzz buzz* Jackie was calling .
'Hey baby , are you ok.'
'Yea just thinking.'
'Did u see the video about star?'
'Is any of it true?'
I paused , I Hurd stars foot prints run to the bathroom.
'Jackie Can I call you back in a sec.'
'I'm gonna cheack on star.'
'Of course , bye Marco x'
'Bye Jackie.'
I hung up the phone and ran to the bathroom to find the door is locked .

Stars POV :
It was a mistake to go to the bathroom , I should of just used a pen lid . Marco was banging on the door and Mrs Diaz was trying to calm Marco down . Idk if Marco told her. I still carried on , I made no noise so mrs. Diaz wouldn't get suspicious. After hiding in the bathroom for a while , marco really got concernd . So concernd he went to go and get a drill to unhook the door , but I ran out into my bedroom why he did that .

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