Stars POV :
My head just screamed nachos why I waited , so far nothing else matted apart from the natchos , and well 1 other thing . I had a giant cut leading from my ankle to knee and it really hurt like when you brake your leg hurt ( I get that not slot if you can relate.)
'A plate of fabulous natchos for m'lady.'
'Why Thankyou sir oh god , people are gonna call me that when I'm older.'
'Yes Star they will also call you queen and your magisty.'
'Ugh don't remind me.'
We both laugh
'So Marco , hows jackie ?'
'She's good , a little upset and we kinda got into a little fight , but good.'
'Oh , I'm sorry to hear that.'
'You shouldn't .'
'Marco ?.'
'I've just got to ask , the letter my have said it but I don't thinks it's the truth.'
'W-what ?'
'Why did you ask to kiss me ? I mean it might have told the truth but I feel like it's a lie.'
Marcos POV :
What should I say !?'Oh it was just a drunken marco.'
'Ok, kelly told me otherwise and I got a little scared.'
'What do your mean ?'
'Like if we did get tougether and then brake up ? I know we would be besties no matter what , but.'
'Star there is no but . It's only awkward if we make it awkward and it's had to top the level of awkwardness in this convo.'
'Ha I guess your right safe kid.'
'I thought that died !?'
- about 20min later they fell asleep
Stars POV :
I woke up on top of Marcos leg . I don't know why but I was . It was weird , like why ? Weird.
Anyway I slowly got up to get my phone , it was in the wardrobe as it always was . After grabbing it , running back down stairs and sitting on the sofa , I checked all my texts from the unknown .
'Star , today is day 11.'
'Na shit , can I start tomoz ?.'
'No it's my job.'
'Maybe it could be mine !?'
'WELL ITS NOT! Anyway I got a great idea from a tv show I was watching . Apart from 1 thing , I want you to burn everything you care about.'
Everything I cared about ? My wand , memorie book , spell book , my mirror the best picture ever of the first day I met Marco What was I ment to do !?
(Comment what you think should go!)
My checks turned into clouds like thinking clouds , then Marco woke up.
'Morning Star- what happend to your checks.?'
'Oh it happens when my mind thinks about stuff or I'm bored.'
'Oh , what you thinking about ?'
'Just a dream I had last night.'
'Oh .....
Want some breckfast burritos ?.''Does my checks change ? YES I WANT MY LITTLE BURRITO!!'

little does he know
Fanfictionafter star gets mean texts from a unknown person , she starts to fill with anxiety . it gets even worse when it spreads online , marco tries to help , but nothing works . what will happen? story - it involves STARCO lots of STARCO and some killing t...