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Walking outside from her apartment, she carefully placed the large plant on the balcony. She finished watering it and came back inside. A somewhat tall figure stood in front her, making her jump.

"Jesus fuck, {Name}" {F/Name} giggled as she placed down her bag. {F/Name} normally goes on dates every other week, she hasn't found the person right for her.

{Name} went to the sink and washed her hands, and soon giggled as she thought about how she got scared a second ago. "How was the date?" Her friend sighed and slipped her heels off, "I hated the-ugh-guy. All he talked about was how he was looking for a girl to run the house and fill his desires."

After a moment of silence they both giggled, "Those type of guys." "Yes, those type of guys." {F/Name} started to unzip the back of her dress, but failed as she tripped on her heels on the floor. {Name} came over and helped unzip her dress.

A few minutes later, {F/Name} was cleaning up and putting leftovers in the fridge. "I have work in the morning so I'll text you when I get home." {Name} nodded and started to get herself ready for bed.

Incoming FaceTime From Daveed Dicks

{Name} picked up her phone once the robotic voice said "Daveed Dicks." An inside joke between her and her cousin, she accidentally mispronounced his last name as "Dicks" once.

"What the fuck is that?" Daveed's face was questionable. {Name} giggled as she poked her cold cheek, "It's a face mask fuck boy." "Don't call me that," He groaned as he laid back on a sofa. They both have been going their separate ways since Daveed left Hamilton. But they finally got back in touch and moved back to Oakland.

"Oh! Are you still on for this weekend?" A white puff covered part of the camera, Daveed made a muffled grunt. His dog was sometimes a nuisance, but Daveed still loved them to pieces. "Yeah, I have work the next day but I'll be okay." "That's fine. Oh-I-Uh, gotta go, I have a show." {Name} hummed and said her goodbyes, hopefully this weekend would be fun, she missed him.


We will be having rain for the next few days, make sure you keep that backup umbrella out. Now back to Jenna with our latest suspect on Joshua Hicken's murder.

The weatherman spoke ever so quickly. {F/Name} turned the tv off, "Stop being morbid, we don't need you becoming depressed because of that damn shit." {Name] rolled her eyes, {F/Name} was rather emotional about mystery murders. But you can't blame her, her aunt is an unsolved mystery murder.

"I'm running late, I have to catch the damn bus," {Name} grabbed her bag and phone. Her friend tossed her house keys, she let out giggle, "Or you just want to catch that guy." {Name}'s cheeks turned bright red. How did she know? I mean a ton of friends know things their friends don't, but I mean how? "Everyday you leave around ten, you come home around twelve or one. I see you 'hitchhiking' that guy's umbrella." {F/Name} spoke before she could question her.

All she did was nod her head and leave. Entering the bus she noticed he saved a seat for her, {Name} barely knew the guy but it's been the fourth day since they first met. "What are you doing in two days?" What was he concocting? She thought of her plans this week, all there was the concert with Daveed. "No. Why you ask?" "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner?" Rafael started to blush, some of water from his umbrella dripped to the floor. "Rafael, are you asking me out, on a date? Because if so, yes."

The bus doors cracked open, {Name] grabbed her things and gave Rafael a ripped piece of paper. In somewhat messy handwriting it showed her number and some words written down 'Call me tonight.'

Once {Name} reached the office she could feel her heart beating a mile per minute, she thought back from the days when she saw him on the bus.

"So what do you do for a living?"

"Oh, I'm many things: a writer, a singer, a rapper, a man making a living."

"Heh, your jobs sound much better than mine. All I do is write down things and pass them to my coworkers."

"Boring, but at least you're making a living."

"I used to work at Buzzfeed actually, but I quit for the stupidest reason."

"And that is?"

"I wanted to travel with my cousin for a tour he did."

"He a singer?"

"Rapper-Oh-This is my stop, I'll see you later.'


"This is really good! Is it based off of you despising the rain?"

"Ugh, don't say that! It makes it sound cringe worthy."

"Don't say that, you are still good. Even if the backstory of your little poem is about you hating the rain."

"Oh hush. Will you be hitchhiking me tomorrow?'





"I never knew you were such a great singer! It-It's great!"

"Shush! People are looking, but thank you."

"I don't give any fucks, people should know how talented you are!"

"You're talented too, just stop being so insecure."

"Now you need to shush."

"I can't, it's my main disability."

"It definitely is, I'll see you later."


"1:57am, never thought you would show up."

"Did you wait for me?"

"Do you ever leave your office."

"Yes I do! But I write scripts for the lazy people, and there are too many of those people at my work."

"Well maybe if I joined you-"

"Its a shit hole there."

"Is that a no?"

"It's a no, now open your damn umbrella."


"You weren't here this morning."

"Sorry, I was-uh."

"Hungover, yeah. I can tell, your-"

"Shut up, I'm stressed."

"And you're stressed because?"

"My boss is fucking my coworker. He said "I wasn't the material the community is looking for."  That girl just wanted a raise, and I got put down."

"Fuck your boss."


As the day ended {Name} decided she would leave early today, maybe get things ready for her date.

Her coworkers looked at her like she wasn't who she was. "Who switched out our {Name}?" Jesse chuckled as he started to sign out. {Name} giggled and adjusted her bag hanging off her shoulder. "No one switched me out, I just have some plans. That's all."

Jesse rolled their eyes and gave the pen to their friend. "So who is it?" "What?" {Name} stopped for a moment and wrote the time down. "Who's the guy? The last time you left early was for a date."

"A guy named Rafael. Rafael Casal."

Just For You {Rafael X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now