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She giggled as the man continued to talk. Their second hour of talking was coming around. Even though Rafael was a few floors down, they decided to call each other every night. For two hours.

"But seriously! We waited for the longest time, and our friend brought us gas."

"Who forgets to get gas!"

"We just did, alright. At least it's not as stupid as forgetting your bras for vacation!"

although the two seem rather close, they aren't. they barely know each other, and it seems they want to keep it that way. privacy is nice too. "hey, i'm gonna go ahead and go. i have a concert tomorrow." her voice became gentle and soothing. "thanks for the date. i hope there'll be a second."

a chuckle echoed through the metal device she held to her ear. "there will plenty more. night."
it's weird to think, neither of them thought how their lives were such a coincidence.


once she made sure all her things were together, she stepped outside and saw her cousin's car. "sup uber." {name} slid inside the car, it smelled different, it smelled familiar. oddly familiar.

her cousin looked at her like she's seen a ghost. something was off, "your okay?" daveed asked. but {name} still sat there thinking for a moment. what was she thinking about again? "um-sorry, i was daydreaming. deja vu i guess." she just smiled and buckled her seatbelt.

"you better not be lying to me, if you smell weed i tried my best to get the smell out," daveed chuckled as he hit the gas. and {name} just guessed she was being paranoid. but why? why was she so nervous, so afraid?

the rest of the ride ended up just ended up having daveed tell his cousin about his tours and all. even though {name} wanted to tell him of her lover boy, she didn't mind. she wanted to travel with daveed but canceled out once she got her job. a job she regrets.

as the drive continued, their lives were shared, their secrets were told. "what the fuck? you seriously-oh my god, you idiot." {name} laughed at daveed's story from a party he went to.

his friend told him to come to a party he didn't want to go to, but daveed's friend never showed up. it was just daveed at an awkward party, for an awkward guy, it was hell. he thought it was a random party. but no. it was a birthday party for heaven's sake, and he had no present.

instead he insisted on cleaning up the party, but in the end he left when everyone was singing happy birthday. "i know, i was fucking pissed though. he left me stranded, so i just left." {name} wiped a tear from her cheek. oh, the life of her cousin always had her giggles.

a ding stopped her fit of giggles. looking down at her phone it was rafa. "oh, is this another lover boy." {name} blushed at daveed's words as she hid her face with her phone.

checking what he said, daveed mumbled to himself.

'hey, kiddo.'
'i know you are going to that little concert, but i missed you'

{name} smiled at his message, quickly she thought of what to text back. "you better not ditch me to text him during the concert." {name} dramatically gasped, "you must not joke about me like that, you know that i could never do such a thing." she said in the most drama way she could ever say.

'i missed you too, i'll call you when i get home'
'imma go though, my cousin is yelling at me now ;-;'

'it's okay, my friend is like that all the time'

"i swear though. if you are going to text him the whole entire concert i will break your phone." daveed gave his cousin a weird look. "who is your new lover anyways?"

{name} shook her head in denial, she didn't want daveed to know right now to be honest. for once she wanted to keep something a secret. "no one really. we're just talking." daveed groaned, "mhm, or do you mean sex buddy."

"daveed diggs!"


{name} groaned as the light hit her fresh morning, hungover eyes. shoving her head back into the pillow, she heard another groan. looking to her side she noticed a familiar body, rafa.

her face became tomato red as she fell out of the bed. "shit." she mumbled hoping not to wake rafa. but failed as he looked down at her. "you don't remember last night do you?"

the girl nodded yes as she climbed back into the bed with rafa. "well, you ran to my apartment last night. i was hella confused, but you were all like "i'm drunk, let me stay here. i'm tired, let me sleep in your bed."" rafa attempted to mock her voice.

{name} sighed in relief, "i'm somewhat glad we didn't have sex." rafa gasped, "you don't want to be sex buddies?!" "rafa!" {name} lightly punched his shoulder.

author's note:
i'm sorry this is a short chapter. i put this together last minute; when i decided i'm going to switch the days of my updates. i promise the next one will be waaay better.

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